From mpucik1 @ Wed Sep 8 18:49:32 2004 Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 16:11:49 -0400 From: mpucik1 @ Reply-To: presidents @ To: swilnews @ Subject: Too Many Chefs Spoil the SWILnewsi (0 and 1) Too Many Chefs Spoil the SWILnewsi (0 and 1) Hi. We're Tall (Mai Pucik '06), Grande (Mark Handler '05), and Venti (Jillian Waldman '06), the SWIL presidents for the next semester. This is SWILnews, a summary of what's happening in the future and a review of what happened at meeting last week (and in this case, the week before as well). Everything you absolutely need to know will come first, followed by a complete list of everything, which will be amusing and slightly less informative. Condensed SWILNews (just add water): Thursday 9 Sept, 5.30 PM, Upstairs Sharples: Science Fiction Discussion Table: Death and/or death Saturday 11 Sept, 12.00 PM, SWIL Meeting: Sign up to be a Pterodactyl Hunt Monster Saturday 11 Sept, 7.00 PM, Saturday Night SWIL II: Parlour Games (Science Center Commons) Monday 13 Sept, 10.00 PM, SWIL Movie: Equilibrium (SC101) TBA: Pre-hunt activities (sword & shield making) Friday 1 Oct, 6.30 PM, Pterodactyl Hunt (Upper Campus) TBA: Renfaire - e-mail presidents *at* if interested and/or if you have a van license TBA: Neil Gaiman (not happening Oct. 10 as per Cooper Events sheet) Submit to BEM. Join the mini-prop mailing list (instructions below). Titles: Susan has been beatified (w/salt). Blake is conditionally "Lord of the Morning and he Who Comes With the Dawn." (is it okay if I molest your noodles -t) August 28, 2004 - Meeting 0 The rabble was as pathetic as a patch of wilted alfalfa sprouts. We sped through introductions faster than a cookie scoop through brownies (a what? -tg) (I don't know -v) (You guys suck so much (-t) (I was going to say ice cream scoop, but I got distracted by brownies -v) The activities fair started at 1:30 and was left to simmer for an hour and a half or until sunburned. (I wasn't sunburned -t) (Nobody was sunburned -v) (That's becuse we were under a tree -g) We made two SWIL signs, more beautiful than Georgia O'Keefe painting of desert radishes. We need RenFaire drivers as valiant as a field of carrots faced with the onslaught of approaching rabbits. Someone with a van license is preferable. We still don't have a date. (mmm...sugar -t) We need a SWIL board like turkey needs cranberry sauce. Student council has less resolve than a scared wildebeest on top of the empire state building. (wait - what do wildebeest have to do with food? oh wait, lions eat them -t) Neil Gaiman, like the soup you ordered a few hours ago, will eventually come to campus and speak, we just don't know when. (how can soup speak? it doesn't have a mouth. -t) All SWIL non-members are allowed to claim titles. With arrogance approaching that of a coyote about to pounce on an unsuspecting frog, Blake demanded the title "Lord of the Morning and he Who Comes With the Dawn." We granted it, on the condition that he come to meeting on time. The title was promptly revoked. (sooo much sugar -t) We beatified Susan with salt; her canonization will come pending the completion of her Sophmore paper. (Cue the 1812 overture). There was a realization that 3 people out of 15+ at meeting didn't live in ML. They were as out of place as a roast ostrich at a vegan convention, but were loved anyway, unlike the poor ostrich. (Did we actually say we were going to start a Paypal (TM) account to take over new dorm, or was that Andrew's fault? -v) Submit to BEM. Nominate books. These things happen at every meeting, just like fries at every meal in Sharples. BEM is SWIL's fantasy/sci-fi literary and art magazine. E-mail submissions to bem *at* or give them to Miriam Newman '07 or Susan Zell '07. Nominate books to add the the Cordwainer Bird Science Fiction library. E-mail submissions to Andrew at abrown1 *at&* Next week's Saturday Night SWIL is (er, was -g) word games. Like apples to apples. (you love me like an abusive parent -susan) There was all sorts of other gaming, including some Saturday night in Kohlberg and all day in Sharples on Monday. Star Wars was shown in SC199, starting at 6 PM. It was long, like a six-foot nerf hoagie. (that sounds like a foam hoagie -g) (put it down anyway -t) SFDT met Tuesday at 5.30 and talked about nothing because it didn't happen because nobody showed up. Andrew's father won the stress-buster book, which, without the stress-buster kit, was as lonely as Jello without pepper. (Jello without cardboard? -v) (I don't know where that came from -g). We need a way to generate faster lottery results. With encryption! Jim wanted a roundsing before Worldcon. Sort of like wanting salad before dinner (I prefer salad after dinner -g). It happened. Alex's D&D campaign is going to happen. Talk to Alex if you want to play. The campaign is full, like you would be after eating this meal. Attendance List of Immortal Baby of Plot device Meredith "God loves this baby" Conforti-Brown Hmmm....? Errr...? Meredith's progenitor? Jerome "Blake is hairy" Fung (I don't want to know -tgv) MICHAEL "SHARPLES SHARPLES SHARPLES OY OY OY" NODA M. Jawaad "Heroin is so passe" Hussain Jackie "I can't thing of a SWIL name as my brain is still turned off for the summer" Werner Eliza "Like Jaws of Life, but with the killing" Blair (that was my quote -alex) Alex "rm -rf * means read all mail really fast" Pshenichkin (and you call yourself a dorm tech? -v) (oh, that's sick -t) (*giggle* -alex) (his giggle is so cute. it's high and squeaky, like a gerbil -t) (*giggle* -a) (is it okay if you're a gerbil -t) (yes -a) (yay, he's a gerbil -t) (my nose itches -v) (that's because you've got a wacky noodles on it -t) (no, it itches under the noodle -v) Peter "I am so glad to have mango-pitch juice in Sharple brunch" Ma Jean "clashing purples" Schneider Kit "I'm a non-member, honest" La Touche Finlay "I'm not a spec, honest :P" Logan benjamin 'wherefor hath thy servants left mud in my sink' r, george Blake "The Lord of the Morning" Setlow (no longer. HA HA HA -t) (early morning? -v) (2 AM morning? -v) (bitter much? -g) (Blake is not a morning person. I need sleep -v) (It's not even 11 yet, you big baby -t) Miriam "Cerridwen" Newman (I'm wondering whether that's spelled wrong -t) Samuel "Gee, I hate this col[let pen-ink = black]or; I think I'll switch pens" Jenkins Blair "Freya" Reaser Adam "Only experienced 1" Oleksa Jackie "I'm going to sign in every time I get this notebook" Werner Alex "Send in the clones" Pshenichkin Eliza "ditto" Blair Susan "Submit to ME!" Zell (whimper -g) Mai "Mrrr..." Pucik MARK "BANG HEAD HEAR" HANDLER Jillian "Mark has to do this for a whole nother semester" Waldman Sarah "Whoosh" Hartman September 4, 2004 - Meeting 1 The rabble was almost not pathetic. The frosh were as silent as dead pickled fish. (I can do a very long distance poke with this -t) The presidents introduced themselves. Everyone introduced themselves. This was followed by how to join SWIL. It's as easy as adding syrup to tomato soup. Attend three consecutive meetings, then prove sentience and you'll be dismembered. It's sort of like carving a duck, only we put you back together at the end. Pterodactyl Hunt - the wizards (Andrew Brown, Sarah Hartman, Jackie Werner) were introduced. They will organize monsters, reserve space, recruit, buy things, and be blamed for everything. They're like the maitre d'. We need to make swords. It's sort of like preparing green beans, but without the cooking. And with really big yellow green beans. The hunt will be held October 1st. Monster signups are next week. Neil Gaiman is scheduled to come over October Break. It's actually happening some other time. At this time, Mai will get some combination of kow-tows and sexy bookshelves. You know, like you can put cookbooks on. (has anyone noticed as how our meeting has progressed, the noodles have become more strewn about the room -t) (mmm, noodles -chris W) (I have noodles and candy, I'm happy -t) (that sounds like a still life -g) (Still Life of Mai with Noodles and Candy -v) (I'm not a still life, I'm still alive -t) (That should be the title to one of my compositions -CW) Saturday Night SWIL this past week was word games. This week is parlour games in SciCom. Swil movie was The Last Unicorn. 10 PM, NuPont 101. This week's movie is Equilibrium. (Mai discovers that cable ties do not "go back") (I'm sorry. But hey, it's still a really big cable tie -t) Jackie complained that nobody responded to her mini-prop e-mail. Jackie is the head mini-prop. She asked for a show of hands for people to create and put up prop. Join the mini-prop mailing list by e-mailing majordomo *at* with the body subscribe mini-prop To join other lists, such as swilnews or fun, replace mini-prop with swilnews, or fun. The copy code was sent to prop. Susan has the copy code. Miriam poked her head in to say 'submit to BEM'. Susan explained what BEM is. See above for a similar description. The "absolute final deadline" for submissions is two weeks from today. Nick announced the SCCS open house. Silly SCCS, the kitchen is never open to visitors. You should, however, get an SCCS account. SFDT meets in the Sharples upper room at 5.30 on Thursday nights. Because SFDT hasn't happened yet, Mai feels like chopped liver. This week's topic is Death and/or death. Pterodactyl hunt playtesting happened after meeting. Fabric for cloaks was also obtained. Sword making happened at 2 PM Sunday in the main lounge. The frosh were useful, like undead scullery maids. (I want to sleep too, but undead definately improves things -v). Renfaire is still being planned. Stay tuned to the food network for more information. E-mail presidents *at* if you want to attend or drive. (You want to drive. You know you want to drive. The frog wants you to drive -t) Hunt committee met in ML at 2 PM. It was productive like produce. You probably got an e-mail. George is SWIL's storage space. It's got stuff. We need a board. We announced how to get into George IV. See above for Cordwainer Bird Library info. Alex, the cheating bastard, won the lottery. He took the mystery lump - the ugliest SWILshirt ever (lime green with bright red text). Mendez mentioned Battle Gear. It's sort of like cuttlery. People talked about showings. - Mai: Who Framed Roger Rabbit - Jean: Anime Club (My Neighbor Totoro showing Friday, series "Last Exile" every Friday) - Eliza: David the Gnome or Gormenghast - Susan: Microcosmos - Benitez: 24 Hrs of SG-1 (consecutive) - Kill Bill ML Lounge 11 PM ML lounge (Saturday past) Alex's D&D game is full. There are other D&D games lurking, like a pinch of curry in the casserole. People should chalk directions to ML all over campus. Also at Bryn Mawr. "For the purpose of anything, I can be used as Jillian" -Andrew Attendance List of ^BACK Slash Alex "I'll trade you my dreams for your toaster!" Pshenichkin Eliza "SPAM is not an acceptable substitute for milk" Blair Jackie "heheheheheh. you said 'slash'." Werner Susan "(Nearly) 6 ft. long + manueverable" Zell Megan "Anything/Cirdan...oh, wait!" Nelson Leah "What? Where?" Handel Mendez!!!11!!!!11oneone1!!1!elevenfiftynine (you know, there is such a thing as taking it too far -v) Katie "I can insult your mom in Afrikaans" McAlister JONATHAN "MIP OF THE DONTH" SCHNEIDER * Qian "Does Evan still get this?" Qian Lauren "Instrumental in the downfall of Iowa" Goodfriend Michael "Scale manufacturers require a wide right-of-weigh" Noda (motion to strike -t) (oh, scale it up to a maim please -g) Jerome "Run for the dying cow!" Fung George "Let's talk about socks" Dahl (Hurliman? -tv) joe "give me your password!" grimm M. Jawaad "Bow down before the Beanie Baby of the Apocalypse..." Hussain Nick " I SIGN MY NAME IN BLOOD" Ward Marie "Agnostic Mafia" Cosgrove-Davies Sarah "soon to be renamed because thare are so damn many from Bryn Mawr" Kelsall Mary "I like _cheese" Wootters * This footnote will be repaired by workbox Greg "My computer has a first name, it's M-E-C-H-A, My computer has a second name, it's [unintelligable]." Robinson Kristen "The Serial Killing Librarian" Shonborn Abigail "If I was clever, this would be funny" Graber Mikio "Tea - Drink - Person" Akagi Jamison "Master and Inventor of Simple Machines" ....Wait, Jamison's my last name. Sarah "Why are there thumb-shaped bruises all over me?" Hartman Meredith "I'm not the boss" Conforti-Brown David "Not the guy from American Pie" Stifler David A. "I am Benitez" Benitez Nickkita "I made out with Orlando Bloom (in my dreams)" Lan Viva "what happened to Greek bar?" Horowitz Stephanie "Viva's Mom" Horowitz Why the Hell am I here? Christopher "Resistance is futile (if less than 1 [Omega])" Jager Mai "Sphinx" Pucik Jillian "This is not Andrew" Waldman MARK "IN MY WHITE ROOM" HANDLER Cover and cook until ready to serve. Serves pi. Donated by Tall, Grande and Venti, the official Chefs of the French Hi-Speed Rail System.