SWILnews Volume 8 Number 11 December n<17, 1985 OUR LAST SWILNEWS ! ! ! ! ! (yippie!) This SWILnews covers the last three meetings (code letters B, C, D) wherein things spilled over from one to another. Attendance: Ruth(B/D), Zemi(C/D), Debby(B/D), Mina(B), Eric Cohen(B), Perry(B/C/D), Irene(B), Shoshanna(C/D), John H(B/C/D), Eric H(B/C/D), Lexa(D), Matt Kat(B/C/D), Alison(B), Eric K(D), Katehelen(B/C/D), Annie(C), Elliott(B/C), Jim M(B/C/D), Esther(B/C/D), Julie Love(B/C/D), Hal(B/C), Ellen(B/C), Kitty(C/D), Gavin(C/D), Jed(B/C/D), Beth(B), Brad(D), Garth(C), Diana(C/D), Jack(D), Kir(B/C), DVS(B/C/D), Steve(C/D), Ben(C), Robert(C), and Ellie Weiss(B/C/D = #57); also Jon(B/C), Dave Bishop (D), Rahel Green(D), Andrew Harker(C/D), Mike O'Connell(C), Karen Smith(C/D), Jon Choi(B), and Julie's brother Tim(B). This is more or less complete---whew! Perry gave a stirring speech citing that the tricandidate was individually Napoleon's height. Also the President has to do things because no one else wants to ("Mikey will do it, he's President"); a unary President can do this better than a trinary one. The vote was 17 for Perry and 10 for Eric/Alison/Ruth and so congratulations go to Perry the new President of SWIL (he needs a title, folks...). Perry is calling for the election of two VicePresidents and a Scribe at the beginning of next semester. Julie has become temporary Scribe until then. FILKSING: traditionally the new President is sworn (at in)/(in at) a Filksing that features the passing of the ARCHIVES. Proposed date is Jan 26th, the Saturday after we return. STORY READING has begun each Monday night at 5:45 in a Sharples reserved room. See Jack and/or Julie for more info. SFM, young and bugeyed, looking for submissions, (that's Science Fiction Magazine). We are cosponsoring _Wizards_ next semester for $40 and spending the other $40 or so left for schlock for finals week. We are considering applying for money to make CB an official SWIL library and also applying for a room in Clothier(Bond) to put it in. This may be quite difficult to do. Katehelen is the new sf librarian though. See Jon Rapkin with your SWAPAzine if you are interested in keeping an old tradition alive. See the SWILboard to find out what SWAPA is. We have enjoyed being saddled with the burden of Presidency, lo these many years, but as all good things must come to an end, we're taking the rest of the SWIL budget and eloping to the Bermuda Triangle... Gremlins do not exist! Jed and Shoshanna