Swilnews 14, Vol.II "The Ultimate Swilnews" otherwise entitled "Life goes on, even when you're not looking" Greetings, everyone. This letter completes the 15-part miniseries, issued in 9 parts, chronicling the Life of Swil at Swarthmore College in the Fall of 1989. It has been touted as the ultimate swilnews, primarily for considerations of timing rather than quality, but we, in our last missive, will endeavor to fulfil expectations raised by the connotations of the term "ultimate". News -- The big news is that the newly elected leaders of Swil, Flash and Substance (known to those who don't know them as Flash and Substance as Ed Bernstein and Andy Perry) officially take over the winds and reins of power at the Coronation ceremony to be held in Bond at 10 pm on Friday, Jan. 26, to be followed by a joyous celebration of filksinging. The new leaders will confirm their title, announce their cabinet, and bestow titles upon any who come prepared to suggest titles for themselves. It will be an evening of high seriousness and low comedy, a blend of the sweet and bitter, a time that will not come again, and best of all it won't be starting until after the first showing of When Harry met Sally! Other News -- Anime Fest! -- Bruce Hahne will be showing the best of his extensive (and rapidly growing) anime collection this Saturday, beginning at 7 pm in his room in ML. If you're an anime fan, or just happen to like lavishly animated, exciting high adventure cartoons, this is a must-see. Also on Saturday, there will be a hammered-dulcimer maker/player at Swarthmore. He will give a workshop at 4 pm and a concert at 8 pm. Both events will be in the meeting house. Book Reviews -- The Hobbit is about a hobbit and some dwarves, Fox in Socks has nasty tongue-twisters, Piers Anthony's books are all the same (mostly), and The Left Hand of Darkness is a classic. On a small planet in the vicinity Betelgeuse, there is a race of creatures that look remarkably like Webster's Unabridged dictionaries. Their night-clubs are reputed to have the best book-reviews in the galaxy ... On that note, let's move on to attendance -- This week's attendance list is a special one -- It's the Best Of Attendance Lists Attendance List. The attendance lists are often the funniest, most creative part of Swilnews, and the topicality of their references makes them a great way to review the highs and lows of life in Swil over the past semester. The Best Of were selected for humor, topicality, and out and out weirdness. [We do not take responsibility for quoting attendance out of context -- ed.] Without further ado, let us present Joel the Moderately Stiff, Peter "Feeling Underspecified" Wagner, Andy "Not Spaulding Gray" Perry, Nao 'Meet my coosh Frederick', Alex "First I was a DM, then I was a half-elf, now I am a GM again -- HA HA HA HAAAA HA" Weirich, Garth "When System 7.0 is outlawed, only outlaws will have system 7.0" Snyder, Jed "See your name in quotes" Hartman, Kinda "Jim Moskowitz" Backward, Jeff "There's something funny going on here" Hildebrand, Rick "Dark Corner" Post, Jessica "Corner Post?" H., Chris "I've got to go to Vancouver to take the GRE's" Cobb, Josh "Yes, even a hunt organizer can sprain an ankle" Smith, Josh "My ankle is quite fine, thank you" Mackay-Smith, Bruce "5 AM?!?" Hahne, Sally "You bozos didn't really get up at 5 AM to play Champions did you" Carter, Rick "Who obviously doesn't have a solid grasp of the psychological profiles of his friends" Post, Elliott "the late" Von Hapsburg, and last but not least Friedrich "To invent fables about a world "other" than this one has no meaning at all, unless an instinct of slander detraction, and suspicion against life has gained the upper hand is us: in that case we avenge ourselves against life with a phantasmagoria of "another" a "Better" life" Nietzche -- a dissident and long-winded member of Swil. *****PUZZLE ALERT***** One of the names in the attendance list is a fabrication -- it has in fact never before appeared in a Swilnews, and the person to whom it is ascribed did not write it. There will be a PRIZE awarded at the next Swil meeting to anyone who can correctly identify the fabricated entry. If more than one person correctly identifies it, winner of the prize will be decided by a random drawing. *****END PUZZLE ALERT**** Well, this brings us to the end of this last Swilnews by the 4 of us. On behalf of my collegues, I'd like to tell you all that it's been fun and I hope it's been alternately unreal, surreal, and real. Let there be Flash and Substance! Nostalgically, 4