(There's no shuttle. -d) (We were trying to think of a theme, and we thought maybe Robin Hood. Which is why we're talking in these funny accents, sorry lad. -g) (But we're doing parenthetical comments instead. -s) (So it's going to look like Scheme? -d) (Not unless we do Verb-Subject-Object syntax. -g) (I think it should compile and print something out, something simple, like "SWILNews". -f) (So this is interpretive... I'd like to express my feelings through Intepretive SWILNews. -d) (I like traffic lights. -s) (So how about something like this: ( *** SWILBusiness *** (Wow, we have a lot of notes. -d) (I was writin' down silly things, because there was nothing else to do. -s) (Nothing silly ever happens at SWILmeeting! -d) (Ooh, we're all in a row! S-D-F-G! -s) (Really? -d) (Yep, we are. -f) (Wow. -g) (The rabble were pathetic. (Sad, sad, sad. -s) (not ((go boing) (cups (stiff plastic)))) (It is far, far, far too early to talk about the Massacre. ('Tis a far, far better thing I do... -s) (Think of Schlock by March 3rd. C'mon. We know you've seen bad movies. (We're in the process of acquiring a copy of The Wizard of Speed and Time. This is not a bad movie, so don't nominate it for Schlock. (I don't know if I can keep up this accent whilst writing SWILNews. -s) (Keep up the what? The sex? -f) (The accent! -s) (Oh, I thought she said... -d) (March 3rd is also the date of our scheduled Hunt Playtesting. (Get your t-shirt designs and slogans in to Franzi before April 7th. (Additionally, for reprints of old SWILshirts, or newprints of the 20th Reunion shirt (You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out, you put your right hand in, and you shake it all about... -s), email shirts @ swil.org by February 28. (set! (absolute-final-deadline BEM) (February 28)) (We will be deciding on Spamageddon ideas on March 24th. (I want Spamzilla. -f) (What's that, we build a model of Tokyo Tower, throw Spam at it to knock it over (knocking it down instead of knocking it up? If we're talking in these funny accents, "knocking it up" is a perfectly legitimate thing to be talking about -d), and then open the Spam with a can opener? -g) (But we need a little child to befriend it first. -s) (Kyla's short. -g) ((The Bsecret Under the Table Society has underthrown SWIL. Bwe showed The Day the Earth Stood Still on Monday. Coming up is Dead Again. (We should have an extra layer of parentheses for extra secrecy. -b) -d) -f) -g) -s) -d) -f) -g) -s) -d) -f) -g)? -s) (Yeah, I think that would be a good idea. We should do something like that for NonSWILBusiness. -s) (Ooh, good segue. -g) (You need to segue into NonSWILBusiness? -f) (Of course you need to segue into NonSWILBusiness. You don't just spring NonSWILBusiness on people. No one's expecting NonSWILBusiness! -s) (Yeah. The History of the World Part 1. That's what I'm going to show tomorrow. -f) (See, it's confusing when people don't segue. -g) ( *** NonSWILBusiness *** (People should've gone gaming with Kyra's little brother on Sunday. If they didn't, they're dumb. Or overworked. Or both. (The Ball was Saturday. Lots of people went, including lots of alumni. (John got a haircut. (No, he didn't. (Oh, god, not again! -s) -g) (Lindsay had books. You could potentially even still borrow some of them, but we don't know who has them now. (If you know who has them, let us know. (We could actually close this one off now. -d) (Lindsay has a (pink! -d) flamingo, in fulfillment of the infamous SWILNews Opus 42 No. 5. (Spring training has started! -s) (Hey! I didn't say it, BDan said it! -s) (I don't want to say it. -gd) (Gaming with Fred didn't happen. Fred went to sleep. (The slime has a face! (You, too, might become the proud owner of slime, if you come to meeting by noon! (Or perhaps something that's equally fun. (Unless you're Gold; then you'll definitely get slime. (Do I have enough nested parenthetical here? (I didn't ask that. (Now you did. It gives you another nested parenthetical. (Hey! That was you! (Now I'm not talking for the rest of SWILNews. -s) -s) -s) -s) -s) -s) -s) -s) (define new-person (Noda Mike)) (Fred's banana is important. Kyra's has more taste. JC's has more... arms. Aggh. (I'm feeling faint of heart. -s) (Hey! -d) (Shouldn't that be my "hey"? -f) (Which is grosser: (or mustard smashed-up-bananas) (No one has seen Megan Hallam. (Is there anything else? -g) (No. -s) (Oh. -g) (Attribute that to Darkness! I'm not speaking! -s) (And Gold stops briefly to pick up her head. -d) -f) -g) -s) -d) -f) -g) -s) -d) -f) -g) -s) (Okay, let's segue into the attendance list. How about: ( *** The Attendance List of Long, Silly Names That Start With 'N' (like Nesheminy! -g) -- 2/17/01 *** John " Wow! I have _f o u r _ colors to write in" Finkbiner (Daaaaaaa! -d) (Do you want to say "Daaaaaaa!"? -g) (I don't think it would come across very well. -d) chaos "every bureaucracy i touch turns to stone" golubitsky (Hey! -s) Hannah "my head just got fuzzed!" Schneider ~Elliot "Wow! I'm the first actual student to sign the attendance list! I should _NOT_ be finding this so exciting!" Reed (And why not? -s) benjamin 'fried tofu thingies! yay!' r, george & Callicles 'hmm...' the Moose & Margeret 'but the tofu things scare me' the Camera {\tt &Daphne 'Abby is denying my personhood.' the typewriter} (Typewriters aren't people! -s) (Planned Personhood? -d) (You want us to knock you up? -s) The 'you don't look oppressed enough' Patriarchy JC "Jaren Tregalis" Ravage Jesse "Dorrin" Ravage Jesse Caleb "As himself" Ravage Rachel "Why did 3 JC's sign in? I hope there aren't really 3 here" Sapiro (Ack, I'm seeing double. -g) Michael "No, wait... I'm sorry, College Bowl STILL owns my soul" Noda Lindsay "this is really great in a Twilight-Zoney sort of way" Herron (Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo... -s) (Can't you make a joke that doesn't involve poop? -g) (Never tried. -16) Fred "Fallout drill! Everyone under the table" Bush Lindsay's flamingo, Ichabod "but I'm a flamingo" Crane (Yay! -g) (Sam is related to Lindsay's flamingo? -d) (Sam is related to Ichabod Crane? -s) Sarah "Puns in slo-mo" Bergstrom Rebecca "Why use letters when you can write in shapes Prime can't +--+ /\ /^\ type? | | / \ | |!" Paul (I know where you live. -g) +--+ /____\ \_/ BDan "BANNER PAINTER OF THE NIGHT" Fairchild (He spent all that time to think of that? -s) (No, he spent all that time to write it in a font I can't represent in SWILNews anyway. -g) (Why, because it's a family publication? -d) Rebecca "nostr$\eta$damis" Jones Kyra "On Beyond Godhood: Your Guide to the Stages of Life After Life After Death" Jucovy (It's not so much an afterlife, it's more a sort of apres-vis. -s) Drew "Already called to order, but anyway..." Szafran Amy' "Normal sized font" Marinello Abby "subscript" Friedman Robert "Invisible dot on an invisible dot" McFarland Joel "It's over?" McNary Michael "Booga Booga" McNary Sarah "Insert spur-of-the-moment witticism here" McNary Josh "Thomas Hart Benton, American Naturalist painter" Burdick (He painted in the nude? -d) -s)? -g) ( *** Heart of Gold Heart of Stone Heart of Darkness Faint of Heart (Ooh, it lined up! -g) *** -gsdf) (No, I don't like this theme. Let's come up with something better. -d) (Too late. I already sent it. -g) (If you already sent it, how are you writing these comments? -s) (They're being grandfathered in. -g)