News -- Spring 2004
The Return of the Sinister SWILnews #1
This Week in SWIL #1
Twice Upon a SWILnews #2
This Week in SWIL #2
SWILnews #3: The One That Got Away
Sam's proxy:
This Week in SWIL #3
I Never Meta SWILnews #4 I Didn't Like
Alex's sentience proof (by Arthur)
This Week in SWIL #4
/join #SWILnews #5
SWILnews #6 is [0. adjective]
The Sophomore Paper of St. Susan of Swarthmore
"I plan to major in Cthlulhu studies because that's what I want to do with my life."
clever responses:
This Week in SWIL #5
The Call of SWILnews #6
Case File #000042255666: SWILNews #7
This Week in SWIL #6
SWIL InfoDump #Ocho
Stop and smell the SWILnews #9
This Week in SWIL #7
SWILnews #10 (in bed)
This Week in SWIL #8
The Gospel According to SWILnews #11
SWILnews #12: The Late
This Week in SWIL #9
This Week in SWIL #10
Movie Voting email
SWILnews #13: The Lost (Remembrances)
Attendance List
SWILnews #14: The Last
The Notes
A SWILNews Archives page
Melissa Binde