SWILnews Volume 6, number 22 April 11"::16) 1984 Attendance was low at the last fleeting, no doubt due to Parents Weekend. Those who were there were Ed, Irene, Shoshanna (and her parents), Scott, Esther, Neil, Gavin, Jay. and Jed. Since we did not have a minyan no official business was done. but some consensuses (?) were reached. Since no other movies have been proposed. I think it is pretty final that we will be bringing Fahrenheit 451 and ~~~~QPol!~. If anyone still wants to propose something else (Scott7' yJe expected to see YOLI TOT' ~~~7'j please oT'ing sou~c e and pr ice infcI 'to th e ne x t meeting, We ~i 11 be aT' d er'in9 OUT" IIJOV3.e faT' nex't; sefhesteT' ~henever i"1ovie Coltlmittee sends in its or"der in or'der to sha-re thei~ discourlt, and I 'Jjon/t kno~ when that will be. so I can It pr'omi se lots of warning time to find th i s in~o. ~Je al so need to deL ide wh i c h mov'ie we want which E.emester. If we haven't decided this by the tiw,e Movie Comw,ittee sends in its order. the WeYT'leaders arid whoever else is around may II have to just pic k an order-. Also on the subject of Movie Coff,mittee. we will not be cosponsoT'ing Al~en with them arteT' allJc they cut it because the price went up significantly. Instead) we will be cosponsoring ~!EdeBuDn~r. I trust this is satis~actory. T-Shirt orders are in! They should be arriving within two weeks, so we are told. That means that those of you who have not yet paid for your shirts st\ould do so (or Shosharlna will lose hers...). If you don't remember if you ha'~e paid, see the list on the SWILboard- tI MPORTAJ\JT: there is a BEN editorial board w,eeting l.Jednesday at 10: 00 p. ffi. ; in Parr'ish parlour.s. " Th e Hug 0 nominee~. a~e out! For ar,y of you wh 0 don I t know what the Hugo s are, they are one of the most important awards in science fiction. awarded each year by the membership of the World Science Fiction Conver,tion. They are the most important popular award. the only other award that comes close are the Nebulas.. awarded by the Science Fiction Writers of America. (If yu want to be eligible to vote for the Hugos and/or attend the 1984 Wo~ldcon, see the flyer orl the SW!Lboard. It's in L. A. this year.) A list of nominees for a fetu of the allJa-rds follows (complete list is in the SWILaccount under HUGOS arId soor, wi 11 be in CordllJainer Bi~d): Best Novel Best Dramatic Presentation + r1ILLENIUM ~ohn Varley WAR GAMES MORETA: DRAGON LADY OF FERN Anne ~1cC~ffrey BRAINSTORM THE ROBOTS OF DAWN Issac Asimov RETURN OF THE .JEDI TEA ~JITH THE BLACK DRAGON R. A, MacAvoy THE RIGHT STUFF STARTIDE RISI~lG David Brin SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES Best ~iovella Best Pro Artist + -,~ "Cascade Point" Timothy Zahn Val Lakey Lindahn "Hardfought" Greg Bear Rowena Mo~ri 11 "Hurricane Claude" Hilbert Scher,ck Michael t-Jhelan "Ir, the Face of' Ifslj Eneff'y" ,-)cJseph Delarley Dors Maitz "See king" Davi d Palmer Barc 1 ay ShallJ ~- -_ii~ -~,j, SWILnews Yol ume 6. number 22 Apri 1 n(~16. 1984 Best Novelette Best Fan Writer + "Black Air" Kim Stanley Robinson f'}ike Gleyer "Blood Music" Greg Bear firthur Hlavaty