.n,.aW1Lnel1l'S/volume /, Numoer "clU/Apr1'"l n<;.;jU, 1"t1:J~1 t'age .h/SWILnel1ls/Volume 7, Nu'mber 20/April n.~:30, 19851 '-Iello. Those who made their mark on the pan-anarchistic people's liberatory sign-in, sheet at the last meeting were: Ruth, DebbfJ, Tim, perrfJ, Stefan, S.,.oshanna, Sherry, Simon, Todd, Alison, Eric, Dan, :Esther, Ju lie, Car in, Gavin, Ellen, Jed, Jac k, DeVi ouS, Ste\'e, Hea ther, David, and Andrel1l. No one knows who was at the meeting before that, at leas,t not this humble ,re-porter, who was removed from office during it and- replaced with a ,people's anarcho-sfJndicalist commune, of whom none took it upon themselves to act as a sort of executive officer For the w~ek. Records of attendance at t-he meeting before that were purged in the cleansing prepar-..t'ory to the Great Leap Sidel1lays of Parents' Weekend; Since all authoritfJ UJas abolished at the non-meeting of Parents' toleekend, total ch,a,os reigned. NO, WAIT! I "M SORRY! I'LL RECANT! NOT THE BORE WORMS! Since the people were freed from the choking grasp of totalitarian rule in the revolution, the creative spirit that burns: in all peoples was f:"'ee to achieve nel1l heights. Jed and Shoshannareta:ak pol1ler by bilater.a,L decision. Recent happening.s have included a visit to Lloyd Aiexander"s home, where we were alL welcomed by the man himself and had a iI.Ionderful ti'me talking until faT" past our scheduled meeting time, nearly causing ~hat literary sage to ti:e late for his nap. And as Lloyd Alexander ~nce s.a.id to me, time is an illusion, naptime doubly so. The Secret Sadist,s party l1Ias so secret that no one heard about it, ~hich Just goes to show you hol1l sneaky those counter-revolutionary agents can be UJhen they try. They come and go like the wind. 'Break a leg, guys! Re-education campos are being set up nol1l for the interment of all Foolish enough to. attempt to study. On the evening of May 11 all reactionarfJ insur..gents will be herded en masse into Dupont and the!'.e.: reactionarfJ insur..gents will be herded en masse into Dupont and the!'.e.: have their eye I id,s wired open to see a doub le feature of SWIL"s 9pec'ial eram-time intell'e:ctual movies: -{{Santa Claus Conquers the Mart'ian9}"} and -{-{Earth vs. t.1t.e Fly ing Saucers}}. So burn those books ---oops, 'SorrfJ. Deposit t'ho.se books in the recycling bins convenient-ly located in the basement 'a.of:: your dorms, and go to the fl ic ks! SWIL"s manifest.a has been sent to the printer, and soon our campus: should be graced 'with the illuminating l1Iords of BEM. But t&1ait~ the Eschaton has been immanentized, and the printer"s printer has crashed---I ,mean broken. BEM may be delaye-d, but t&1ith lu.ck we s"ha.ll ~ee it shining li'ke a young star that has Just begin to g101ll'on our fair campus before the, ,end of the semester. Debby likes belgjum. She was there last TuesdafJ. .9k .IIIIt"s all a pLo:t, I ./11 ..led and Sh os~k1oa:nna I .