News -- Spring 1988
Yo! Stupid! Yeah, you, the one with the head!
Welcome to The Normal SWILnews, brought to you by us, in this the second week of the PING dynasty.
We think you all have lovely initials. They're just so swell.
Hmmmmm. Last week's Swilnews apparently offended, so I apologize and begin this one with a warning:
ok so this is a swilnews
The SWILnews Over Break
Once again we have for you today a Swilnews.
The ingerdients for this week's swilnews are the following
Swil' news (n.) from the Swarthmorese acronym SWIL, Swarthmore Warders of Imaginative Literature, + "news."
This is a SWILnews. A what? A SWILnews.
Due to a rather severe overpopulation of thermonuclear salad bowls at breakfast this morning, there will be no swilnews today.
Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today.
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Movie voting
A SWILNews Archives page
Melissa Binde