Yo! Stupid! Yeah, you, the one with the head! So alright this is last week's swilnews! Got it! Of course you got it! How do you think you're reading it! some people are just SO stupid. OK so like these are the people who were at the last meeting of that so-called science fiction club known as SWIL. Pay attention or I may break your knees. So what if I'm a figment of somebody's imagination! That don't matter to me none OK! I'll break your knees anyways OK! Listen! Sally.C Karen.K David.A Susan.R Jonathan.W (by the way I hated Dodes-Kaden) David.VS Morgan.M (sounds like Wall Street to me) Jim.M Elliott.M Geoff.D Julie.P Ruth.A JoshMcS. Ben.R Diana.S (another Southerner!) Ellie.W (one o' them big-city types) Rob.S (too many smiths around here) Lane.W Kir.T Karen.S (see? there's another one!) Dan.D Garth.S Laura.A Debby.B Rick.P (who's quitting his job. wimp.) Michael.B Perry.D (commie pinko slime) Wayne.F Mark.H Jen.A Bruce.H Laura.H Chris.C Alex.W Steve.W (is he related to Adam Ward? Who cares?) Hal.P (get a haircut!) Steve.M Jay.S (ASSOCIATE non-member, not even a REAL non-member) Mikala.W Hannah.R Leif.K (NEW non-members. finally decided to see the light, eh?) MEMBERS present were: Cynthia.W Elizabeth.V (get a haircut!) Amalia.S (who not only LIVES in the midwest but GOES TO COLLEGE THERE! how can she stand it?) Danny.S Tracey.D and Jess.N advice to all fundamentally deficient human beings with enough gall to attend swil meetings while still infused with their memberness, while still just dripping and oozing MEMBERSHIP IN SWIL! COME BACK NEXT WEEK! PLEASE! Ok now for some news, if any of you are bored out of your skulls enough to actually read it. I don't care, do whatever you want aaarrrgghh uumpph hunh! blat! oooof! get off me you lousy slime-dogs! oooof! (various sounds of scuffle, a great deal of violence. A final, sickening thud. silence.) The management of WSRN. . .uh the management of the Phoenix . . . David Fraser and his staff. . .the production team of Gone With The Wind to Scottsdale Arizona. . . IBM . . . Jackson Browne and Paul Simon . . .Paul Simon's Wyoming advance team currently making Brownies in Jackson Hole. . . Apple Computer and its currently dead competition THE MANAGEMENT OF SWARTHMORE WARDERS IMAGINATIVE LITERATURE ("uh, john, we're not management. only capitalists are managers." "oh, right, sorry jed.") THE . . . . wait, never mind. you'll find out who we are when we sign off. No! You'll never get rid of me that easily, pig-dogs! (cut off in midsentence, sounds of scuffle are heard. a shot in the dark, somewhere near the top of the page. silence.) We apologize for that last and final interuption. On with the news. Leif and Laura Almasy are now in charge of swil room, Laura has the key until further notice. Julie is now Reverend Mother of SWIL, see her for suggestions for books to buy, (list on swilboard) she and Chris C. are in charge of discussion groups, the two of them, with Ms. Almasy of above, are in charge of 10th anniversary preparations which are next year so don't worry about it too much right now. Rumor has it that Sally is now Swil treasurer. Check with your local gossip columnist. With not much space left, we are The Presidents that go ==!!!!==