Date: Fri, 19 Feb 93 20:25:32 -0500 To: @ From: jthorpe1 @ Subject: Ask not what you can do for your country--ask "How can there be such a thing as a temporary permanent?" Good evening, afternoon, morning or night (depending on when you check your e-mail). Hey! What time is the best time to go to the dentist? Tooth-hurty! Ha! (Just thought I'd liven up your days a tad with some topical humor--topical because I'm getting my wisdom teeth out in a few weeks, humor because it is defined as such. Barely.) Anyway. We have a T-shirt design! (To rah rah BUM de-ay, to rah rah BUM de-ay.) It bears the legend "ROADSWIL" and a picture of a pterodactyl being run down by a Fnord pick-up truck. Those of you wishing to own one of these should head to the SWIL board (the physical one) and sign yourselves up before March rolls around. (Those of you who are too far from Parrish to reach the SWIL board conveniently can send e-mail to Nao (nparkhu1 @ or Stephen or me or, well, really pretty much anyone. (Specify two color choices and a size.) Cost is as yet undetermined (as far as I know), but will probably be about $7. (Sound OK? Hope so.) The Nth Annual St. Valentine's Day Massacre went off with a bang and a boom and a number of bullet-ridden bodies. I think we may have a volunteer (Evan) to run it next year, but then again I think we all thought he had volunteered to be treasurer last semester... Hey, I just heard cyberpunk is on the front cover of TIME this week. Cool, huh? Someone should purchase a copy... (Hi, Jeff!) Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles, the Once and Future Presidents (well, really only the Once) have made a mistake! (BOOOM...rumble rumble rumble... earth shakes, ground opens up. "Pay no attention to the little man behind the goatee...") Lesley Tsina should have been dismembered at the last meeting, but we somehow forgot she was still a member! Good lord! SO...if she shows up this time around, or even if she doesn't, there will be a friendly neighborhood dismembering. (If there are any others of you out there who are still membered, let us know. We get so confused sometimes...) Lynn Westling wants to collect those anthologies some of you said you would fetch for her, so try to locate them by next Saturday if you can... (If they're at home, feel free to pick them up during Spring Break...wouldn't want you running all the way home for a couple of books, would we?) Judith Moffett (dammit, am I spelling her name right?) called me a week or so ago and asked me to tell you all that she will be giving a reading from her latest work at Borders Book Shop in Springfield on March Second...details will follow if we are patient and do not scream "Lemmings! Lemmings everywhere!" too often. (Then again, how can you do that too often? I mean, really?) SUBMIT TO BEM!!!! Stephen (as far as I know) desperately needs submissives... er, submissions, so get going! Or else! Grr! Remember Babylon 5 is airing this week, for all those of you who have been waiting with bated breath. It's on channel 17 Tuesday night around here, but I don't know about the rest of the country. I think that's all the news that prints in fits, so perhaps it's time for the attendance... LIST D'ATTENDANCE for 2:13:93 Josh "Fred "Burrito" Flintstone" Burdick [Y'know, I never really noticed the resemblance, but now that you mention it... --O]; Topher "Penultimate conundrum" LeRoy; Andrea "Losing touch with time and space" Hall; Charles "Lord Protector of Pheasants" X; Robert "Escapist weasel jumper of DOOM" Richardson [Like a bungee jumper, but less effective. --O]; Jen "Scissors" Setlow; Geoff "oooh - lots o' T-shirt designs" Noer; Nao "This is the Nao all shaven and shorn" Parkhurst; Stephen "Was built by, was eaten by, was chased by, was worried by, was kicked by, was milked by, was kissed by, was married by" Sample; Kathy "Yay" Davis; Peter "Yeah, yeah, yeah...." Wong [Peter Wong and his amazing Beatles impression! --O]; David "I was in favor of incestuousness" Randall [Hey--I've seen your sister. In her undergarments, no less. And _I'm_ not in favor of your incestusousness. ;)= --O]; Melissa "I'm cuuude! I'm cuude! He thinks I'm cuuude!" Shaner [Yes, but can he type? --O]; Deb "Kisses and condoms" Sam; Lisa "Cute couples are inescapable...even in SWIL. Yecch! Happy Valentine's Day." Stefanowich [Yeah, I _hate_ that. Bleah. --O]; Kendra "as many articles of upper body clothing as before" Eshleman [Darnit. --O]; Jim "Quayle of the Day --Don't Ask" MacLeod [Jim, why are you...? Nahhh. --O]; Sam "Levely shirt -- lovely idea" Weiler; Don "The end of the meeting comes hither" Lehr; EVAN "REDRUM...REDRUM!" [If you think you can make Eudora print backwards characters, you're welcome to try. --O]; Lesley "hmmmmmmm." Tsina Praefecti Quondam Praefectique Futuri