Date: Fri, 9 Apr 93 11:29:36 -0400 To: @ From: jthorpe1 @ Subject: Hey! It''''s a SWILnews! Well, folks, the time has come once again for your to receive your complimentary copy of the SWILnews. Feel free to take it home with you, but don't come crying to me if they arrest you for stealing a computer. Come to the meeting this week, because.... do you know what time it is? (10:57 AM, but that's not important right now.) It's time to CHOOSE SCHLOCK FILMS! (Schlock! Schlock! They're our films! If we don't watch them, no one will!) I'll be bringing the movie catalogs to tomorrow's meeting, so show up and pick your top choices for the Top Three Awful Films of the Year. In the past, we have brought "Plan 9 From Outer Space," "Dark Star," and "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians." Who knows what evil, smelly things we'll come up with tomorrow! So BE THERE. (You'll have to make your own robot friends, though.) We'll also have some more words about George and where it'll be next year. We haven't yet spoken to Teddd about the suggestion made at the last meeting, i.e. to stick it in the suicide singles in Bond. At any rate, we can discuss it tomorrow, with a special suprise appearance by a Note From Deb Sam. (Ooooh!) The date for the Post-Walpurgisnacht story reading rapidly approaches, which can only mean one thing: it's almost time for the Post-Walpurgisnacht story reading! People will come from all over the space-time continuum (at least that bit near Swarthmore in April of 1993) to read selections of their choosing, from recipes to stories to poems to backs of chewing gum wrappers... It'll be a blast. A more specific date will be set tomorrow. And, of course, LIIIIIIIVE CHEEEEEEESSS!!!! (Live cheese?) (No.) Lisa will bring the sign-up list to SWIL tomorrow, so those who haven't had a chance to sign up to be pieces can. Yes, you will finally have a chance to show your parents what your friends are really like! And they will have a chance to transfer you to another school! Fast! This Live Chess game will be happening on Parrish Lawn (elsewhere if rain, but of course it NEVER rains on Parents' Weekend) Saturday afternoon (the 17th, I think). Remember that our illustrious speaker, Greg Frost, will be here next Tuesday! Granted, none of us have been able to find anything he's written, but he CLAIMS to be a science fiction author. If he is, we'll have a fun time chatting with him over dinner (at 5:00 on Tuesday) and listening to him at his talk (7:30 PM in Bond). Signs will be going up soon. (Right, Lisa? RIGHT, LISA???) Submit to BEM, or a pox on your proxy! Next year, we have an option of viewing The Prisoner or Red Dwarf (or both!) on a weekly basis, thanks to Jeff Hildegrad. (ML4220, x8016) THIS year (more specifically, this weekend) talk to me about MST:3K. Many new and shiny episodes to view. Things happened at the last meeting, strange and wondrous things. For one thing, Aaron was briefly impeached, but there weren't enough people there to make it stick. For another, the following people showed up: ATTENDANCE 4:3:93 (April, folks) Charles "...TILE GROUT..." X. [Grout, grout, damn spot. --O]; David "Bartolomeo de las Casas" Randall; Jim; Andrea "Sleepy + Confused but Happy" Hall; reoN "...gniyonna yllaer teg ot gnitrats si RA" ffeoG; Charles "Chocolate...GROUT" X.; reoN "tuorG klahC ,oN" ffeoG; Charles "Grout Grout Grout Grout Grout (F.A.R.P.) Famous American Regionalist Painter." X.; reoN "?tuorG taerG eht toN" ffeoG; Charles "grououououout" X.; reoN "trowowoworg elik erom...mmM" ffeoG; Justin "In Vitro" Giacoletti; Deb "I want to be a non-pawn in live chess + I never see Lisa + I won't be here next week. Somebody should sign me up!" Sam "Thanks" Barolsky :); Josh "The fluff-bird smiled, and made weird gutteral fleop sounds. "You haven't learned." Burdick [No, Josh, we haven't. WHAT DO YOU MEAN????? --O]; Samuel "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....OUT!" Weiler; Melissa "yes; it was fine; none of your business" Shaner; Kendra "I am not a nerd I am not a nerd" Eshleman [But you are dressed as one. (Sorry, dear.) --O]; Peter "signing 'cos someone made up a quote for me last time" Wong; Peter "No I didn't" Wong Praefecti Quondam Praefectique Futuri