Date: Sat, 12 Feb 1994 09:32:42 -0500 Subject: We don't need no stinkin' deadlines for the SWILnews! "My Ford Fiesta floats okay / It's in the garage, not in the bay" - The Bobs "She puts the mascara on the eye of the storm." -ibid. I worry about the songs that get stuck in my head. [-L] We apologize for the lateness of the SWILnews, the administration has been suffering from extreme sleep deprivation this week and only now is half of it concious enough to keep her nose from typing lots of little h's inbetween paragraphs. "Is your nose running?" "No it's just acquainting itself with the delicate art of word processing." Reunion through the ether! It has been suggested that some sort of online connection be established to accomodate those dinosaurs who won't be able to make it to the reunion physically and have access to the net. Please mail in if you have any suggestions. The resident internet geeks (you know who you are) are exploring this and other mass communication possibilities, although any plots involving satellite hijacking have already been vetoed. Next week (that would be today) designs will be submitted for the Neat-o Kean-o Handy Dandy "I liked it so much I bought the company" Reunion Shirt, which will be avaliable for order at the reunion along with reprints of past designs. Debate continues over whether we should dip into the endowment in order to fund printing. Also concerning the reunion: Ashton House is booked for the weeknd but the college has offered to put people up in Strath Haven to supplement crash space in Sharples 3- logistics are being worked out, mail in if you might need such accomodations. Bond will be available during at least part of the reunion for gaming, wild moose chases, etc. Elizabeth Christian has received five to seven RSVP's already, and will update us as the number increases. Monday, the middle room of Sharples will be filled with the poignant sounds of screams and gunfire to usher in St.Valntine's Day. Yup, the massacre's coming up and we still need waitrons and victrons. The sign up list will be passed around again today. Charles and Larry have checked our aresnal and come up with 7 blue pistols and a tommy gun , possibly to be painted black as bright blue guns tend to look silly. A friend of Larry's has volunteered to be our audience plant, the person in normal clothing who is shot by the door by a malicious thug and falls dead along with the other victrons. Oh, if anyone has appropriate clothing (trenchcoats and fedoras for thugtrons, nice and vaguely twenties clothing for victrons and aprons and such for waitrons) that they are willing to lend, please bring it to the meeting. Speaking of screams and randomviolence, if Ahyana "Blue" Clark shows up to this week's meeting and outshines Charles in sentience we may have another dismemberment to clean up. Muahahahaha. SUBMI T TO BEM !!!! thanks. George is relatively unpacked , thanks to all who volunteered their time for the move and unpacking. We are currently negotiating for a copy of the key probably to be kept in locker #42 in Tarble. Movie suggestions were gathered, voting and scheduling will commence next which leads us to the reporting of some actual..... NON-SWIL BUSINESS: Kendra is doing fine in Rome, there are 3 more Prisoner episodes to be shown in Jere7my's room after meetings and finally (fanfare) Cold Fusion. It's not just a good idea, it's happening in Charles' cerebellum. ATTENDANCE (2/ 5/ 94) : Ridley Townwship. The Spanish Inquisition, Charles "Audited by 48" Danforth, [Stuck on with lemon meringue, no less -L] Larry "Bite the wax tadpole" Miller, Kristin "not a physics major, but still a folk dancer" Walker, Justin, Ahyana "_Blue_! " "T-shirt idea: SWIL: Dis-membered again. Reunion '94'." Clark, [that being enough punctuation to freeze e.e.cumming's hands at the shift key -L] Beth "Gone to Carolina" Bruch , Josh "square root of 7" Burdick, Kathy "wish I was gone to Carolina" DAVIS, Colin "i! = 1/q | p, q t Z" Schatz, David Enforcement Agency, Elizabeth "Chock Full o'mucus" Christian, jere7my "No, Geoff! DON'T play Nevinyrral's Disk! NOOOO!" Tho?rpe, Kristin Jester, Geoff "I was tempted" Noer Literature &The Grotesque