From chaos @ Sat Jul 17 19:32:51 1999 Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 17:06:55 -0500 (EST) From: chaos golubitsky To: @ Subject: t-shirts and other swilbusiness if possible, we would like to get all submissions for swil t-shirt slogans and designs turned in by this saturday, 28 march. if you plan to turn in a design, but won't be able to get it done by saturday, please e-mail me and let me know. if i don't hear any complaints, we'll vote using whatever designs are turned in, at swil meeting this saturday. thus, it's important that you come to meeting on saturday if you want to vote on t-shirts. also at this meeting, we will: - make initial decisions about what movies to show for schlock - talk about swilcon '99 - find someone willing to run spamageddon (or else it won't happen) - make a list of challenges for challenge chess - talk about running a swil housefilk - probably some other stuff too; we tend to do that sometimes so, if you want to discuss any of these things, please plan to come to this week's meeting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chaos golubitsky '00 "like frozen sentries of the serengeti, the century-old termite mounds had withstood all tests of time and foe - all tests, that is, except the one involving drunken aardvarks and a stolen wrecking ball." -gary larson