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Star Wars

on thursday of the first week of classes (or second, if classes start on thursday), swil shows the star wars trilogy back-to-back in kirby. we start at 7pm, and try to finish relatively early (meaning no long breaks between movies). it's recommended to order pizza at some point during the showing.

we've used the original version for the past two years (1998 and 1999), and the rerelease (with the new scenes) the year before that. usually, a vote is taken in the spring about which version should be shown.

one of the presidents needs to find a copy of whichever version has been selected. someone in swil probably owns one, so ask at meeting. don't forget this -- finding someone in swil who owns star wars is just obvious enough that it's easy to fail to do it. (speaking from experience here, clearly.)

the question has come up of what to do starting next year, when episode i will be out on videotape. we leave this problem for you to puzzle over, but remember that if you do decide to show episode i, you have to decide whether to show it before or after the original trilogy. i recommend after, since that's the release order (and then people who just want to see the trilogy can leave at a reasonable hour), but it's up to you.

By: chaos golubitsky '00, kyla tornheim '01, snibor eoj '98, amy' marinello '02 -- Last revised: 21 February 2002

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21