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the initial inspiration for this document was a conversation spring of my frosh year between myself, melissa binde '98, jed hartman '90, and jim moskowitz '88. (melissa was part of the ruling triumvirate of swil at the time.) the conversation was nothing terribly profound: someone said that it would be nice if there were some kind of big fat binder detailing all the things that one needed to know to run swil. everyone else agreed.

seemed like a good idea, but i didn't think much about it until they made me be swil president. or, more precisely, until they made me be swil president for the second time. there i was, former presidents graduated or abroad, theoretically the most knowledgeable current student at swarthmore college about the functioning of the great organization, and i had no clue who i was supposed to talk to about the fact that the vcr cabinet in kirby was always locked. in the highly technical language of the leaders of swil, this is referred to as a bad thing.

so, a sense of duty to the future of swil and the desire to be able to say i wrote the official guide to something, combined with my possession of a laptop and the fact that, no matter what anyone says, there really is absolutely nothing to do in northern utah, have conspired to produce this document. it's basically just meant to be a series of rough guidelines and reminders, ideally somewhat like having all of the presidents of the past looming over your shoulders and pointing out, gently but firmly, that there are only three weeks left in the school year and you really should set a deadline for bem sometime soon. okay, nothing like that really -- that would be awful.

i assume that, once i finish this thing and stick it in a binder, it will get put in george, and someone will pull it out at some point and look at it. it may even be mildly dusty by that time. that would be bad, though, because very little of this information will be valid or accurate a few years from now. before we had george, it was the duty of the presidents to keep track of swil's records and old files. now, we have a room on tarble 3rd in which all the files are kept, and there is a curator of george (currently me, which is why i know they're there, though i'm going to try to sucker a frosh or sophomore into taking it over real soon now (tm)). ideally, this binder will go in george, but the presidents of swil will take a look at it every once in awhile and keep it up-to-date with current policies and procedures.

so, if you're a swil president, or know some swil presidents, and are actually reading this, please write something in here to update this. if you tried something i suggested, and it sucked, or if you tried something different and it worked well, or if you tried something different and it didn't work well, please write it down. swil is, in my not-so-humble opinion, an organization with a long and glorious future. but we need to keep track of the cold cereal bar.

By: chaos golubitsky '00 -- Last revised: 18 January 2000

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21