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St. Valentine's Day massacre

Every year on 14 February, SWIL reenacts the St. Valentine's Day massacre in Sharples at 6pm. A signup sheet for parts should be passed around during one of the first few meetings of the spring semester. The parts available are thugtrons, victrons, and waitrons. there should be five to seven thugtrons, nine to twelve victrons, and two or three waitrons. Someone should be in charge of the massacre, probably a thugtron. The waitrons are in charge of preparing things for the victrons. It's a good idea to mention the massacre briefly before winter break, so that people (especially frosh) can bring appropriate clothing back to school with them. Recruit frosh to be waitrons - they don't object (much) and generally do a good job. We've used the casual rules that no one should have to be waitron twice, and that seniors get their first choice.


Amy Marinello 2002-02-21