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The Massacre

At about 5:55, the thugtrons should line up and start walking around to the back door of Sharples, generally fairly quietly. When the bell tower strikes 6, they walk into Sharples in single file, and arrange themselves in a semi-circle around the table. Some sort of banter should occur. The traditional banter is:

% gunzip howto.tar.gz

After this, the thugtrons should open fire, and all victrons should die. Some victrons can choose not to die immediately. The thugtrons should save a few bullets and keep an eye out for this occurrence. However, the end result should be that all the victrons die and none of the thugtrons die. Really, it's much more fun for everyone to do it this way. The waitrons are treated as victrons for these purposes, so they should die too.

The thugtrons should then walk around the table for a minute or so, pretending to check for pulses and so on, shooting a few people they didn't get the first time. (Note: the thugtrons should not fire caps at point blank range.) They should then walk out of Sharples in single file, and stay gone until sometime after the victrons get up. The victrons should remain on the floor for a few minutes until the spectators lose interest. The thugtrons should stay away until everyone has gone back to their dinners. Once the thugs return, the photographer should get a few pictures of everyone in front of the fireplace.

By: Chaos Golubitsky '00 -- Last revised: 18 January 2000

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21