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Advance duties of the victron coordinator(s)

This description may be somewhat lacking, since i've been a thugtron every year. Female victrons should wear their best approximation of '20s style clothing. Male victrons should wear nice shirts and pants, and possibly jackets. Fedoras and/or trenchcoats are acceptable, too. Waitrons should wear nice black pants or skirt and a button-down shirt, preferably white. (Basically, waitrons should be clearly differentiable from other victrons.) The victron coordinators should also recruit someone to take pictures of the event.

Waitrons are responsible for decorating the table and taking orders for food during the event. They should try to set up a nice restaurant scene in the middle room. The best table is the one in front of the fireplace, so they should show up as soon as Sharples opens to snag it. They should also go into the servery and find out what Sharples is serving. A tablecloth and candlesticks are helpful accessories. Also, it's nice to have a portable stereo playing quasi-period music, to help the victrons get in the mood. The suggestion has been made in recent years that the victrons should do some advance preparation for the massacre (such as watching a movie like ``Some Like It Hot''), since they have to sit in the middle room and be in character for about half an hour prior to being massacred. The victrons should also pre-select a head victron, who will sit at the head of the table. The head thugtron will address this person, so the thugs need to know in advance who it is.

Victrons should meet at the upstairs checker at about 5:15 or 5:20 to scan their cards. One of the waitrons should meet them and show them to their table. At the table, waitrons should take orders and go get food. It helps to have a small notepad for orders.

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21