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Advance duties of the thugtron coordinator

Ideal costumage for thugtrons is a trenchcoat, fedora, and leather gloves. Of these, only the trenchcoat is necessary. The person in charge of the massacre should make sure that every thug owns a trenchcoat or can get one. Also, every thug will need a loaded cap gun. SWIL owns a large number of cap guns, which are in George in a box marked ``st. valentine's day massacre''. Most of the black-and-brown and black-and-white guns work; most of the blue guns do not. The black ones look better anyway. The Co-op sells caps fairly cheaply, and replacement caps can be purchased out of the supply budget. It is the prerogative of the massacre coordinator to load all needed guns before the massacre, and to test one cap from each gun to make sure they all work. (This is a good idea, in addition to being fun, because sometimes they don't.)

The thugtron coordinator should also arrange a meeting time and place for the thugs. If the thugs want to eat before the massacre, they should meet in one of the Sharples upstairs rooms no later than 5:30 (but they should be careful not to coincide with the victrons, who will be meeting upstairs somewhat before then). Otherwise, they can meet in Parrish Parlours. When they meet, the thugs should decide amongst themselves who will be the head thugtron (it need not be the coordinator, and, in fact, usually isn't), and the coordinator should explain the procedure to the thugs.

Prior to the meeting, the thugtron coordinator should go talk to the Sharples back door checker and obtain permission for the appropriate number of people in trenchcoats to walk into the middle room at 6:00pm without scanning their cards, put on a performance, and walk out again. The coordinator should explain either that the thugs will have already eaten or that they will come back and scan their cards, whichever is the case. I've never had any trouble doing this; the checkers are used to us by now.

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21