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Walpurgisnacht is SWIL's annual horror/fertility story reading, and takes place on the last Saturday in April. Walpurgisnacht is pretty simple to organize, but there should be a coordinator. Similar to swiloween, reserve Sharples III from 8 pm until 11 am or so, and encourage people to bring large pillows and sleeping bags.

Note: in an election held in fall 1999, Swarthmore voted to turn Sharples III over to the art club to use as gallery and darkroom space. The art club agreed as part of their platform to let groups continue to reserve the space. However, as of spring 2000, the space was no longer in a shape usable for SWIL parties, so it is better to reserve the WRC (with Bond as a backup location). The WRC board in east Parrish should have the name of the current space coordinator.

Also like swiloween, people will probably bake food and should be encouraged to do so. The coordinator should either assign food duties or do some shopping to get other food, as well as plates, cups, etc. and everyone who doesn't cook should pay the coordinator a few dollars. Since people will be reading, and thus talking, a lot, drinks are important.

Atmosphere is good: people should be encouraged to bring candles and flashlights, in the hopes of getting enough alternate light that the overhead lights can be turned off. The coordinator should arrive half an hour before the party starts so the building is open for people who want to use the kitchen. Check the temperature of the building -- if a space isn't being used very often, Buildings and Grounds sometimes forgets to turn off the heaters in the spring.

Mention Walpurgisnacht at SWIL meeting well in advance during the spring semester, so that people can start thinking about what stories to bring.

By: Chaos Golubitsky '00 -- Last revised: 8 September 2001

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21