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Parents' weekend

Chess at parents' weekend takes a little more preparation than fall chess, since it's challenge chess. This means that, when two opposing players are occupying the same square, they must perform a challenge to see who gets to stay on the square. Appropriate challenges fall into general categories of physical challenges (hopping on one foot, pole balancing, limbo contest) and verbal challenges (ghost, smurf-naming, alphabetical insults, animal imitations). Judges are needed for some of the challenges. Recruit parents. Try to recruit unbiased parents.

Someone needs to organize challenge chess. This means finding some way to get people to submit challenges. I don't know how to do this, but the organizer should think of something, or simply come up with a list of their own challenges.8 A list for challenge suggestions can be sent around with the list of pieces at swil meeting. Challenges should be somewhat SWIL-appropriate where possible: naming star wars characters is better than naming countries in the former soviet union. Kyla tornheim '01 wants to play snort.

There is a schedule for parents' weekend which appears on programs or something. The challenge chess organizer should keep an eye out for a reserved-students e-mail asking for items to add to the schedule, and should send them the time for challenge chess. Usually, chess takes place on Saturday after the folk dance demo.

By: Chaos Golubitsky '00 -- Last revised: 18 January 2000

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21