... that.1
although you can try just asking someone reliable to run the meeting and seeing what happens.
... work.2
it's not as important as your work. if you're really going to flunk out of school if you take time off this afternoon, don't write swilnews. otherwise, you probably should, since you'll have to do it eventually.
... voting.3
it's better to have a larger number of nonserious candidates in the second round so that they split everyone's second and third choice votes, reducing the chances that a nonserious candidate will accidentally win the election if there are multiple serious candidates.
... round.4
any votes cast for other candidates at this point should be ignored.
... person5
The candidates can also decide, if they want, that it would be better to have multiple people running the election, in which case two or more people can jointly act as election administrator. The key point here is simply that all serious candidates approve the person who is running the election and are willing to stand by their decisions.
... election.6
two days before is probably better, to give people time to cast votes.
... them.7
i tried this procedure in fall 1999. avbox confirmed the request after minimal pestering, and we have had no problems with the cabinet.
... challenges.8
If someone gets such a list, maybe they should enter it here for future reference.
... triplets9
Charles Danforth '95, Geoff Noer '95, and Robert Richardson '95
... too.10
the peaslee debate team approached us about the possibility of having a hunt in spring 2000. apparently, they've gotten a reputation for having the hunt opposite their tournaments, so they want us to keep scheduling the hunt to coincide with them. future presidents will have to decide about having two hunts a year (i'm opposed -- it would take away from energy needed to pull off other spring activities like t-shirts, bem, and schlock). but it's not a bad idea to have a good relationship with peaslee, especially since they have half a college van (it's theirs on weekends) which they have occasionally lent us when swat had no available vans.
... hunters.11
so the model where the oracle is out-of-bounds is less good, though the oracle should not be in the middle of the main fight area either.
... tower12
this has been the belltower, dupont porch, trotter rear steps, and maybe other places. make it someplace away from the main fighting.
... amulets13
garlic used to be a separate type of amulet, but now there is only one kind, which wards vampire, wraith, and thief, so assume it contains garlic, if you like.
... hunter.14
at the wizards' discretion (make a decision based on game balance), the troll may also victimize monsters.
... valuables.15
again, the wizards should decide what items are fair game; swords and armour are not, but anything else could be.
... middle.16
Melissa Shaner elaborated: ``The Very Bad Things happened in 1991 or 1992. We also had trouble with drunk people throwing things off roofs at us. A wizard called Security, who took care of it.''
... it.17
this is already dated: hunter no longer lives in carriage house. oops.
... pictures.18
try the internet movie database, at http://us.imdb.com.
... mailroom,19
lore comment: our board used to be the last one on the end by the n-z mailroom, but it moved in fall 1999.
... fit.20
for instance, kyla and i approved fred bush '98's sf-update science fiction e-newsletter as a legitimate thing to host on swil.org, even when he wanted to advertise it outside of swil, because it's science-fiction related and being run by a swil alum.
... class21
this is different from older versions of LATEX, which used \documentstyle instead of \documentclass.