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the swil board

swil has half a bulletin board in parrish. currently, it is located across the hall from the a-m mailroom,19 and we share it with folk dance club. there are two main tasks associated with the bulletin board: keeping it up, and keeping it. the former is the job of the miniprops. the latter is usually done by the presidents, but i'll discuss both here.

the bulletin board should contain: prop for the next week's movie, a list of the semester's movies, a printout of the last week's swilnews, prop for any other upcoming events, and nifty stuff. basically, miniprops should be in charge of all these things, though if someone else is propping an event, they should remember to put a copy of the prop on our board. nifty stuff can be contributed by anyone, especially by someone who owns a camera.

the bulletin board should also look nice, meaning that it should have a background, a border, maybe some little pictures, and other stuff like that. if a miniprop puts himself in charge of this, it may actually happen. the miniprop is welcome to schedule a time for group decorating of the swil board and try to recruit help.

one a semester, year, or eon, the parrish boards are reassigned. there is a student council position called outreach chair which is currently responsible for doing this. an e-mail should go out to reserved-students about this, and one of the presidents should jump on this and put themselves (or someone) in charge of it. (miniprops, if the presidents haven't done this, remind them.)

this involves writing a proposal based on the current list of questions, and turning it in before the deadline. do it immediately so you don't forget. then keep an eye on the student council board for more information -- one year, i happened to notice the sign saying all our stuff would be thrown out if it wasn't moved by the deadline. of course, i noticed it on the deadline in question.

when writing your proposal, try to give them every reason possible not to move us. this may be harder now, since we have a nice board, but it's much easier for us if we don't have to put our stuff somewhere else once a semester. basically, we provide lots of stuff for the campus (weekly movies, cordwainer, the hunt), we have half a board, we need half a board, we're happy, leave us alone. mention that we've had a board since the 1980s. there's no particular reason we should need to lose the board. (there's also no particular reason we need a full board, unless the character of swil changes a lot -- we do pretty well with the current half board.)

By: chaos golubitsky '00, jimmy kong '01, kyla tornheim '01 -- Last revised: 18 January 2000

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21