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advice for miniprops

again, from jimmy:

``Finding good spots to put posters up can be difficult. You may have to scan for posters for events that already happened, and take them down to have room.'' never take down prop for an event that's still upcoming, though. it's rude, and we really hate it when people do it to us (and they will).

``Personal Motto: `It's sometimes too early to prop for events.' If you have a poster for the next SWIL movie ready a week early great. But before you go and plaster it all over campus, try waiting until at least Thursday. That way you get people's attention when it's closer to the actual day, and in case the posters are taken down by competitors. The one on the SWIL board can go up as early as Tuesday.

``What if you know diddly squat about the movie you are to prop? Well since they are recommended by SWILfolk, you can turn to them for information and interesting quotes. The internet is a handy tool also. You could find reviews, plot summaries, and pictures.18''

a comment from me: there are two styles of propping -- you can do graphical art with pictures and such, or you can do a simple one-liner and the movie information. both methods have their advantages (the latter is easier), and both have been used well; just keep in mind that there's more than one way to do it. one way to find out how well your method is working is to check with swilfolk about whether they've been seeing your signs around campus.

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21