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propping events

the miniprop will be in charge of propping the weekly movie and schlock. bem and the pterodactyl hunt can be propped by the event organizers if they want, or they can ask the miniprop to do it. (see those sections for more details.) this rule holds for any other event, spontaneous or planned, which needs prop. generally, the miniprops are happy to help, but you have to ask them, since propping `bring your phone to dinner' night is not part of their job description, per se.

movies happen once a week, so they should be propped when they happen, and the miniprops should get together at the beginning of the semester (if there is more than one miniprop) and divide the movies so everyone is happy.

the miniprop has a copy code, which changes every year. the new one should be given to us by the budget committee treasurer in the fall. remember that office services (the place you make photocopies with the copy code) is only open on weekdays during business hours, so if you forget to prop until the weekend, you have to go to mccabe and pay for copies. get together with the treasurer and keep an eye on the copy budget because they never give us as much as we need, so the treasurer will have to go back and ask for more money when the account runs low. jimmy kong '01, who has been half-miniprop for the past four semesters, sent me the following information and advice (with a few of my comments interspersed):

``The movies are every shown Monday, so posters should definitely be up by Saturday. 15 copies of the posters are to be distributed at Parrish, Sharples, and Tarble.'' sometimes there is a rule about how many ads need to go in each building -- currently 5 each in sharples, tarble, and parrish -- you can pay attention to this or not as you see fit, but put some ads in each of these buildings. i did 15-20 ads per movie, depending on the movie and what else was going on, when i was miniprop, but check with the treasurer. ``Certain buildings seem to have a day where they `clean out' the ads. Tarble seems to do it on the weekends. Sharples, if there is a party or something fancy like that. When putting it up on Parrish, take care that the poster does not cover any glass on the windows of doors. They obstruct the view of people coming in and out, causing accidents. Not only that, they have people who take down posters that even slightly covers the windows. One copy should be placed in the SWIL bulletin board in Parrish, so there's a fresh look every week.

``Copies should be made in the `Office Services' Office in Parrish, (located to the right of the mailboxes). To use the copier, enter the SWIL copy code. After you're done be sure to push the `Attrition' button to remove the code. Otherwise bad bad people could use our code to make copies.''

also, schlock needs to be propped when it happens. (see section 3.6.) generally, prop for the event itself, without too many details (though it could have a list of movies) goes up in advance, and prop for individual movies goes up a few days in advance of each movie. schlock needs to be propped more heavily than regular movies, since people will not have heard of the movies we're showing.

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21