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The pterodactyl hunt

the pterodactyl hunt is an outdoor all-campus event which swil holds annually in the fall. since the hunt takes place outdoors, it is important to do it while it is not too cold for people to come. this year, we hit upon a wonderful solution to this problem -- hold the hunt before fall break. in order to do this, the date must be determined in the spring, and coordinators need to be chosen then, too.10 in the fall, you should also determine a rain date, and the hunt coordinators are responsible for keeping an eye on the weather the week before the hunt and rescheduling if it looks bad.

the hunt coordinators are called wizards. prior to the hunt, they are responsible for choosing a location (section 3.8.1), getting supplies in order and scheduling a swordrolling (section 3.8.2), making sure the miniprops advertise (section 3.8.3), and recruiting monsters (section 3.8.4). on the night of the hunt, they are responsible for making sure all supplies get where they're going, briefing the monsters, and briefing the hunters (section 3.8.5). during the hunt, they are responsible for making sure things go smoothly (section 3.8.7).

it should be obvious from the previous paragraph that the hunt is large. don't be too scared off by the fact that you've volunteered to run it, but be aware that pulling off a successful hunt takes a lot of effort. this is a fall activity: nobody has any work yet, and the frosh are pass/fail -- delegate early and often. also, keep in mind that i've never been a hunt wizard, so sections of this should be rewritten by someone who has been, especially sections 3.8.5 and 3.8.7, which i basically just invented.

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21