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the primary supplies for the hunt are trashbags, newspapers, and poker chips. the trashbags are used as armour by hunters and monsters, so we need as many black bags as there are monsters (or twice that many), and as many white bags as there might be hunters. in other words, it is impossible to have too many trashbags. they don't go bad, so we can use them in future years.

newspaper swords are rolled from newspapers and secured with masking tape. they need to be full-size papers (the phoenix won't work). one good place to get papers is hall recycling bins. a better place is tarble basement, behind the bookstore, where unclaimed copies of the new york times are discarded. to roll a sword, get 7-8 full sheets of newspaper (a full sheet is four numbered pages of newsprint) and stack them neatly. then, fold the side of the page (rather than the top or bottom) into a 1 to 1.5 inch fold. fold that part in half lengthwise, and possibly in half again. then, roll the entire newspaper from that end, trying not to let air get in. wrap the ends and the center of the sword with masking tape. it should not bend when you hit something with it. repeat 150-200 times.

needless to say, you don't want to do this by yourself. schedule a sword-rolling in the week or two before the hunt, at an acceptable time. parrish parlours is a good place to hold sword-rolling. remember to bring all the masking tape (if we don't have at least 8 rolls, we should buy more) and make sure someone who has rolled swords before is available, since the procedure is easier to explain by demonstration than by reading what's written here. the easiest way to ensure this is to schedule it for a time when at least one wizard can be there, since swordrolling attendance is, as a rule, 50-75% frosh.

we use poker chips for gold and experience points in the hunt. currently, we have blue and red chips for gold and white ones for xp. both come in denominations of 1, 5, 10, and 20. the poker chip system generally works well, but the blue and red chips are hard to read. a few countersuggestions: have four colours for the four denominations of gold, or label gold in white-out pen rather than in black. at any rate, there should be about twice as many poker chips as currently exist, especially for small denominations of both gold and xp, since there are a lot of small monsters.

each pterodactyl needs a super-soaker style water gun. we have two in george currently. if they break, they should be replaced. also, each pterodactyl needs a glow stick to hang around his neck. buy new glowsticks every year, and don't unwrap them until you give them to the dactyls at monster briefing, since they stop glowing after awhile. also, it's good to have some canteens at monster regen so the dactyls can refill their water guns without going inside buildings.

you will also need special swords and shields. there need to be six shields for dactyl guards. apparently something is misspelled on them at present, so you should fix it if you redo them. there should also be several shields available for purchase by hunters. the dactyl guards need six pencil swords, which are newspaper swords covered in construction paper and coated with a layer of clear tape. there should be about three each of silver and gold swords. gold swords are newspaper swords covered in gold wrapping paper and clear tape, and silver swords are newspaper swords covered in duct tape.

other supplies include: vampire/wraith/thief amulets (3 or 4, these consist of an empty masking tape roll covered in duct tape on a string), fish and a shoebox on a string for the fishmonger (fish are made of cardboard cut into a fish shape and covered with duct tape), hunting licenses (something plausible-sounding printed on a sheet of paper, maybe with a sticker so they can't be xeroxed), a price list for hunt central, paper for hunt central to keep notes and do banking, and maybe a big map of the hunt area if you feel ambitious (take a campus map, get it xeroxed to several times its original size, paste it to posterboard, and use bright markers).

you will also need to get prizes for the hunters. the prizes are two pizzas for the hunter or group of hunters that kills each dactyl, and a bag of candy for each of: the first hunter who correctly tells hunt central what the distinguishing characteristic between the vampire and the shadow is, the hunter who finishes with the most xp, and the hunter who finishes with the most gold. note that prizes, as food which not everyone shares, cannot be paid for by supply budget or sac, so you will have to find independent funding for them.

it's useful for the wizards to have flashlights so they can see what's going on. according to the inventory of george i did in 1998, swil owns one flashlight, but it's dead. it might be reasonable to get more using supply budget, or they can be borrowed from swilfolk. in addition, if the wizards are going to hide pterodactyl eggs, they need to get a bunch of balloons and slips of paper with appropriate messages, stuff the balloons, blow them up, and hide them around the hunt area in advance of the hunt.

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21