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Advertising for hunters

since it is our biggest campus publicity activity, the pterodactyl hunt would kind of suck if we didn't recruit some people who aren't us to participate in it. it's a good idea to have the hunt not conflict with anything major on campus, so try to keep your ear to the ground about other things going on (although scheduling to coincide with peaslee helps reduce the risk of this, since they use space on campus, so fewer things can be scheduled against them).

most of recruiting is the job of, you guessed it, the miniprop (though the hunt coordinators can choose to prop it themselves). there should be some posters a few weeks before the hunt, and a really large number of posters in the week before the actual event. something should go up on the swil board as soon as a date is determined, if possible. also, swilfolk should spread information about the hunt as much as possible by word of mouth.

all prop and advertisement should give the time of the hunt as the time when hunter briefing starts, not the time fighting starts, and should give the location of the hunt as parrish parlours. (if people want to join late, they'll find us.)

the night before the hunt, it's traditional to chalk campus. we have chalk in george. chalking should be dictated by the campus chalking trends of the time, though the rule has been ``anything goes'' since i've been at swat. as a matter of courtesy, don't chalk anywhere rain doesn't reach because it won't wash away afterwards. also, if someone else has chalked already, feel free to add hunt chalkings, but resist the urge to parody theirs -- no good will come of it.

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21