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What wizards and squires do during the hunt

squires primarily run hunt central during the hunt. thus, they keep an eye on all supplies stored there and sell items to hunters. they can also act as an xp bank, writing down how much xp each player has so players don't have to carry that many poker chips around. this year's squires found that it was reasonable to give each player a number when doing this, to make bookkeeping easier.

wizards and extra squires, if there are any, walk around the playing field and keep an eye on things. they can collect extra swords from monsters and monster regen and make sure monster regen is stocked with extra coins and water.

they should keep an eye on the progress of the hunt, and make adjustments if things are unbalanced: allowing the troll to waylay monsters as well as hunters, disbanding the dactyl guard late in the evening, etc.

also, they should keep an eye out for bad things. one common bad thing is ville rats hanging around the playing field. recruit a monster with elaborate costumage to go have a little talk with them -- it works wonders.

more serious bad things are hunters (or even monsters) who repeatedly ignore the rules. talk to them and make sure they understand what the rules are first, but if they persist in doing anything that makes the hunt dangerous for anyone, kick them out. several years ago, there was an incident in which some hunters showed up with swords with unbent coathangers in the middle.16 basically, just look for anything suspicious. it is not a bad idea to talk to public safety in advance and let them know that the hunt is happening. we are running around campus in the dark hitting each other with swords, after all -- make sure no one gets hurt.

By: chaos golubitsky '00, kyla tornheim '01, melissa shaner '93 -- Last revised: 13 March 2000

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21