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PhilCon is the Philadelphia Science Fiction Convention. It generally happens in mid-November or some time equally inconvenient, at the Adams Mark Hotel in Philadelphia. it doesn't quack.

Information about PhilCon comes in the mail to people who attended last year. If none of the presidents attended last year, they should pester people who did to let them know when the new information comes. The information consists of: dates of the con, guests of honor, deadlines for discounted tickets, and an order form.

Once the information comes, a copy of it should be passed around at meeting. Someone who is planning to go to PhilCon should volunteer to make an order (or, preferably, to make one order for each deadline, since some people will decide they're interested after the first deadline) and to pester the frosh to go. Something should be said in SWILNews about the subject.

The person in charge of PhilCon should make sure there are enough cars going for everyone to have a space. If not, they should try to borrow extra cars. If people don't want to stay late, or if we have a hotel room, they can take Septa. Back in the days of yore (most recently in fall 1996, very yorelike indeed), we used to rent a hotel room and fill it to many times its intended occupancy. There hasn't been enough interest lately for this to be affordable, but it was a pretty good system back in the days of yore, since it allowed people to stay late at filksinging without worrying about the driver.

By: Chaos Golubitsky '00, Amy' Marinello '02 -- Last revised: 10 December 2001

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21