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Things monsters and hunters need to know

the hunt should be scheduled to begin at some time, say 8:00pm. hunters should be instructed to meet at 7:30pm, and monsters at 6:30pm. i'm not sure of the exact times, but the point is that you want about one and a half hours between when the monsters are supposed to meet and when the hunters are released onto the playing field. for either north or south campus hunts, parrish parlours is a pretty good place to have the briefing.

at the monster meeting, the wizards should make sure all monsters are present. they should determine substitutions or alternate rules if any monsters don't show up (if the fishmonger is missing, just don't have one; if the black knight is missing, upgrade someone else -- basically, use your judgment). announce all monsters and have them stand up so that everyone knows who/what everyone else is. the monsters need to know:

the monsters should be released onto the playing field before hunters start to arrive, though it's fine to recruit some monsters to help finish setting up hunt central. monsters can hang out by hunt central and chat for awhile, but they should spread out around the playing area 10-15 minutes before the hunters arrive. a squire should run around the playing field yelling ``the hunters are coming!'' when the hunters are about to be released from briefing.

after this, the hunters will be briefed. it is important for all hunters to receive some briefing, even those who come late, so the people manning hunt central should make sure latecomers know the basic rules before giving them a trash bag. the hunters who arrive at parlours on time should be told:

explain to the hunters how to poke holes in their trash bags, then pass around trash bags for them. it's a good idea to have enough swords for the initial wave of hunters in parlours, so the hunters don't immediately need to swamp hunt central. then send them out to fight.

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21