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Space for movies

kirby lecture hall has to be reserved through swarthmore's space coordinator (currently paula dale, but, at any rate, space@cc). e-mail her at the beginning of the semester, as early as possible (the day of the first movie is not sufficiently early) with a list of movies and dates. you should get e-mail confirmation, followed by a list of dates in campus mail. but're not done yet.

kirby lecture hall contains a vcr which is owned by the audio-visual people. you should e-mail the audio-visual people (avbox@cc) to tell them what dates you are showing movies, and explain that you will need to access the video cabinet. then, on the day of the first movie of the semester, you should e-mail them again to confirm. if you don't get confirmation e-mail, you should phone them.7 avbox is notoriously bad at remembering to leave the cabinet unlocked for us. public safety does not own a key to this cabinet, so, no matter how much public safety likes you, if avbox screws up, you have to show the movie in kohlberg. that said, if avbox screws up, we use kohlberg 115 or 116, whichever is unoccupied, and call public safety at x8281 to get in if they're both locked.

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21