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Obtaining movies

it is the responsibility of the swil president to get the movie each week. the best current source for movies is video update (328-3030), which is located down 320, about a five minute walk from ml in the away-from-campus direction (near goodwill). the most likely source for movies is movies unlimited (356-9250), which is up 320, about a 10 minute drive in the lawrence park shopping center. there is also a blockbuster on the baltimore pike (543-7800). someone will have to get a video card at every place where you want to rent movies. at movies unlimited, you'll have to pay $10 for it, but then they give you some free rentals, so it's legitimately filed under swil movie expenses. currently, if you type ``videos'' on sccs, you get phone numbers of movie stores, but this may or may not be updated regularly.

Also, McCabe owns some movies. However, a surprising number of McCabe movies are on some weird reserve system under which they cannot leave the library no matter how hard you beg. At any rate, at the beginning of the semester, it's a good idea to find out what movies are in mccabe, and, for those that aren't, to find out which stores have them. This was done in Spring 2000, and made things much simpler later in the semester (except when Video Update lied.) It is particularly important to find out in advance where you can find more obscure movies.

Eoj says: ``An additional resource to check with, before video stores, is the SWIL non-membership. I remember there being at least one movie that I went out and rented, only to find out later that Lindsay had a copy that she was willing to lend us. Friends are cheaper than video stores, usually free, even.''

generally, it's good to have a swil co-president who owns a car. if there isn't one, you may want to try to recruit a car-enabled person to be in charge of getting the movie each week. at any rate, problems occur whenever there's lack of clarity as to who is actually in charge of getting the movies. there should be one person, car-enabled or not, who wakes up each monday morning with a sense of purpose, unwilling to rest without the sure knowledge that there will be a swil movie that night. really, i'm not joking about this. movie is important. people who aren't us actually come to our movies sometimes. it's good propaganda for us, but only if the movie shows up.

whoever gets the movie should either show up with it and stay till the end and rewind it, or get someone else reliable to do so. the movie should be returned before it's overdue.

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21