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list of officers

this is a list of the current swil positions and who holds them as of january 2000, the date of first revision of this document. (for any positions which are changing in january 2000, this lists the new holders.) this list should be revised whenever the document is updated, if not more frequently, so that the people in charge of these positions are easy to contact. a similar list exists on the swil web page.

for historical purposes, this is a (very incomplete) list of people who have held various positions in swil. i don't know why you would need such a list, but they could be good resources if you suddenly find yourself in charge of something and have no idea how to do it, and want some advice from the past. also, as a loremistress, i have a subsidiary interest in having long lists of things around, so i'm trying to put this one where someone might remember to update it. if i couldn't remember what year people graduated, i left it blank. i just did this as people and dates; obviously, people who were holding positions at the same time as each other held them jointly:

president: jim huang '82 (1978-81), jennie jacobson '83 (1982), neil ottenstein '84 (1983), shoshanna green (1984-85), jed shumsky (1984-85), perry deess (1986), jim moskowitz '88 (1987), david van stone '88 (1987), jed hartman '90 (1988), john halbert '90 (1988), laura almasy '90 (1989), chris cobb '90 (1989), ed bernstein '91 (1990), andy perry '92 (1990), jeff hildebrand '92 (1991), melissa shaner '93 (1992), jere7my tho?rpe '94 (1992-93), aaron brockett (1993), don lehr '96 (1994-95), lesley tsina '96 (1994-95), fred bush '98 (1996), steph dyrkacz '98 (1996), joe robins '98 (1996-97), melissa binde '98 (1997), erik rosolowsky '98 (1997), kira goetschius '00 (1998), will quale '99 (1998), chaos golubitsky '00 (1998-99), kyla tornheim '01 (1999)

treasurer: julianna patrick '97 (1994), dave mimno '99 (1996), otavia propper '00 (1997), kyla tornheim '01 (1998), amy' marinello '02 (1999), elliot reed '03 (1/2000-)

miniprop: joe robins '98 (?), alastair thompson '99 (?), erik rosolowsky '98
(?-11/1996), larry miller (11/1996-12/1996), chaos golubitsky '00 (1997), amy swift '00 (04/1997-12/1999), jimmy kong '01 (01/1998-), ben george '03 (01-2000-)

cordwainer librarian: kendra eshleman '95 (?-06/1997), hannah schneider '00

george curator: kendra eshleman '95 (?), melissa binde '98 (?-06/1998), chaos golubitsky '00 (06/1998-)

webmaster: melissa binde '98 (?-06/1998), tom stepleton '02 (09/1998-09/1999), chaos golubitsky '00 (09/1998-09/1999), hollis easter '03 (09/1999-), dan fairchild '03 (09/1999-)

keeper of swil server: melissa binde '98 (?-06/1998), chaos golubitsky '00
(06/1998-12/1999), robert mcfarland '02 (01/2000-)

filkmaster: melissa binde '98 (?-06/1998), chaos golubitsky '00 (06/1998-12/1999), abigail friedman '02 (01/2000-)

By: chaos golubitsky '00, melissa shaner '93 -- Last revised: 13 March 2000

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21