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Filling positions

there are a large number of swil officers who do actual work, and have titles related to the work they do. currently, those offices include: president (quite possibly you), treasurer, minister of propaganda, webmaster, george curator, and cordwainer bird librarian. these are offices which need to exist. (for instance, usually the george curator is also loremaster. however, loremaster is a voluntary position, while george curator is a necessary one. so even if no one wants to look at the archives, someone has to be responsible for the space, or we lose it.)

the best way to fill these positions is for the person who is stepping down from the office to name a successor, which can be done either by picking someone they think would do a good job (and convincing that person they want to do it) or announcing at meeting that they want to step down and need a volunteer to replace them. obviously, if the person who is stepping down from the office does so by leaving swil or fleeing the country or whatever, it falls to the presidents to pick a successor, which they can do by any of the aforementioned methods (or, if all else fails, by threatening to cry.)

the one position which does not work like this is, of course, the presidency. (this is not strictly true, of course: if two people actually want some other office, they can share it (as we are currently doing with miniprop and webmaster) or there can be a vote, done any way the presidents see fit, over who gets it.) for the presidency, however, there's always a vote, whether or not multiple parties are actually willing to serve.

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21