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Recruiting frosh

activities fair is the major venue for recruiting frosh (see section 3.3 for a list of stuff to put on the table and so forth), but there are others. swil has a blurb in the guide to student life. sometime spring semester, some appropriate coordinator (currently davirah timm-dinkins) usually sends an e-mail to either reserved-students or all organization heads saying that they're rewriting the book. at that point, the presidents should look at the blurb from the previous year, change extensions and/or do other minor updating (or do a major overhaul, if you really want), and submit the new blurb to the appropriate coordinator.

in the fall, frosh stuffing should occur. the frosh stuffing is a piece of paper with some information about swil, in a catchy font, which takes up one quarter of a sheet of notebook paper. copies of previous frosh stuffings should be fairly easy to locate and adapt. the frosh stuffing should be printed four-to-a-page and xeroxed. unfortunately, frosh should ideally be stuffed during frosh week, which is before copy codes go into effect. the number of frosh is usually in the 350-400 range, so xeroxing frosh stuffings at mccabe costs about $8 with a copy card. if someone or some people are willing to donate the xerox money, that's very nice. at any rate, stuffing should be done by no fewer than one and no more than 400 swilfolk. things can be stuffed in the mailroom between 10am and 2pm. frosh are the ones without coloured dots on their name labels in the mail room.

in the spring, spec weekend happens. for the past couple of years, there has been a prespecified night at spec weekend during which organizations can set up tables in parrish and talk to specs. this is a good thing for swil to do, and the table should be decorated similarly to the table at activities fair.

By: chaos golubitsky '00 -- Last revised: 18 January 2000

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21