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there are a large number of people from each class year on the swil list. of these, most will not want to remain on the list when they graduate, but a few will. the only way to handle this with sanity intact is: when class of xxxx graduates, send an e-mail out to swilxxxx telling them that they will never receive another swil mailing if they don't write back with a current address. then move swilxxxx to alumsxxxx, and don't worry about it unless you hear from people. if you do, add them to areaxxxx or xcurxxxx as appropriate. some people will forget to e-mail you and be confused in the fall when they stop getting swilnewses. there's nothing you can do about this, so my advice is just don't stress about it.

By: chaos golubitsky '00 -- Last revised: 18 January 2000

Amy Marinello 2002-02-21