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the swil server folder

swil has a folder among the computing center's organizations folders, currently (fall 1999) located at:

% gunzip howto.tar.gz
it contains a large number of files, including pterodactyl hunt rules, cordwainer listings, the filkbook, this manual, and some random things. basically, it's the appropriate place for any swil internal files (though anyone on campus technically has permission to look at it). there is a swil user who has permission to edit the files, and the password can be gotten from the current keeper of the server files.

the job of the keeper of these files is to update the files when appropriate, and keep an eye on what's in there. currently the files are in many different formats, most of them old macintosh formats. since the campus is now supporting pcs, the keeper of the files should probably move things towards a format which can be read by mac and pc (and maybe even unix). i guess my current recommendation (as of fall 1999) would be plain ascii text for anything that doesn't need formatting, and microsoft word for anything that does, since it's readable by mac or pc. (so is word perfect, actually. take your pick.)

a good project would be to put a list of files and file formats in the top-level directory of the folder, to make maintenance easier.

the other job of the keeper of the files is to remind people periodically about the existence of the files. this directory is a convenient place to store things which are in current use by swillies, so it's good to keep it up-to-date and make sure people know about it.

By: chaos golubitsky '00 -- Last revised: 18 January 2000

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21