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The Bug-Eyed Magazine

I have no qualifications whatsoever to write this section, so i'll just leave it to Anna Hess '00, who sent me the text that follows. The only things i can think to add are that there is a useful e-mail alias,, which should be updated to contain everyone who works for BEM, and then advertised as a submission/information address. Be sure to get frosh to help with BEM, especially if it's mostly upperclassmen. BEM won't happen every year unless there's someone dedicated to working on it. Also, keep notes and originals for the BEM box in George.

Anna says, ``You need people who will advertise, decide which submissions should be accepted, edit the submissions, decide which art submissions should be accepted, know how to work a copier to expand and shrink art, do basic layout to make art fit the page, open attachments and use word processing programs well enough to make page numbers go where they should etc. Someone needs to have a car or some other means of transportation to get the box back from the printers. Someone has to have enough cash on hand to pay for copying (and get paid back.) (This generally equals 2-3 people, I think.)

It's never too early to start asking for submissions, and our round of advertising to the campus at large worked pretty well -- we got a couple of submissions. However, advertising for art needs more work -- perhaps advertising more in the art building.

It takes about a week to get the promised submissions in after the deadline (the last deadline, that is. :-) Then it takes however long you have to put it together. We usually try to have the finished product ready for distribution on Walpurgisnacht, although as a last resort we aim for the last swil meeting of the year.''

By: Anna Hess '00, Chaos Golubitsky '00 -- Last revised: 18 January 2000

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21