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Bringing in a new treasurer

Most organizations change their officers at the end of the academic year, but SWIL changes at the end of the calendar year, for lots of good reasons that don't belong in this section. Typically the new treasurer will be a frosh, so the fall semester should be spent scoping out the incoming class to find someone who seems responsible, likely to stick with SWIL, and not disposed to absconding with SWIL funds.

To change treasurers, you have to go to the BC office (second floor of Tarble) and let them know we're changing officers. If the current treasurer goes the week before and lets them know this is about to happen, BC'll get the form ready that the new treasurer has to sign, and then they'll update their email list appropriately. If you're the old treasurer, it's nice to take the new one around the office and explain stuff, but there're notes on all that in this section too. The new treasurer should get a Treasurer's Handbook, and $<$drumroll$>$ read it. The relevant sections don't take that long to go through, but there are lots of good details to know about how BC policy changes from year to year.

We have money allocated to us in a bunch of subcodes. Money cannot be transferred from one subcode to another, even if you have a nice corresponding surplus and deficit. (The exception, I believe, is ``Special Events'', which is something you can go and ask BC about if we happen to have a large Special Event.) This is a list of those subcodes and what we use them for, with the weirdest stuff first.

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21