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finding and running LATEX

i think there are mac and pc LATEX processors available, but the one i use is the one installed on the cs department unix machines. there is also LATEX software which is standard issue with redhat linux. the computer center has a mac LATEX processor called oztex available on their servers, but i don't know if it's compatible with LATEX2e, or only with older versions.

at any rate, i'll give instructions here for running LATEX on this file under unix. a copy of this file should be on the cc server in the compressed file howto.tar.gz. use an ftp program to transfer the file to allspice or some other unix or linux system. then uncompress and untar the file:

% gunzip howto.tar.gz
% tar xvf howto.tar
this will create the subdirectory howtos of the current directory, and put all the LATEX input files into that subdirectory. the main file in that directory is called howto.tex. to run LATEX on that file, type:
% latex howto.tex
you will need to do this twice to recreate all label numbers correctly. the files howto.aux, howto.dvi, howto.log, and howto.toc should be created. in order to view the file on a system running a window manager, you can probably use the xdvi program. type
% xdvi howto.dvi
to view the file. to print the manual, make a postscript file using dvips:
% dvips howto.dvi
allspice currently has dvips set up to route the postscript file directly to the printer. if this changes, or if you're somewhere else, you'll have to redirect the output to a file or the printer (that is, use a command like one of the following):
% dvips howto.dvi | lpr
% dvips howto.dvi >; lpr

once you're done, you should go up to the parent directory and remake the tarfile with only the files that end in .tex (to save space). you will need to remove the old file howto.tar before you can do this.

% tar cvf howto.tar howtos/*.tex howtos/hunt/*
% gzip -9 howto.tar
then put the new file back onto the server folder. (you will need to get the swil account password from the keeper of the server folder.) also, i will put a folder on the swil server containing all these files in readable format, so you should replace any files you update in that folder, too.

To get this updated on the web, make sure you're in the (currently) /Web/org/swil/howtos directory on SCCS and run

% latex2html howto.tex 

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21