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Maintaining the list

at the beginning of your presidential term (if there are multiple presidents), pick one president to be responsible for the list, since it changes frequently enough that things will be difficult otherwise. theoretically, you could set up the addressbook to be group-readable for group swil on merlin, but don't, since this would mean the webmasters could read it too, and swilfolk are highly fond of doing nefarious things with the swil list.

the person who keeps the list will be the person who sends out swilnews, and therefore the person whom everyone contacts about activities. he should get in the habit of bouncing almost all messages to the other presidents. the exception is, of course, requests for removal from the list, which he should just deal with immediately. also, the person who keeps the list should add the list of new addresses after activities fair.

a new issue has arisen in the past small number of years, which is that many freshmen come to swat with outside e-mail addresses, and want to continue using those, rather than cc or other swat addresses, to read e-mail. my policy has been that i will not add a nonswat address for a current student. the reason is that, except under extremely rare circumstances of account abuse, swarthmore guarantees e-mail accounts to all students. there is no such guarantee on outside accounts, so they could suddenly stop working, leaving the presidents with no way to contact the student (since many outside accounts don't allow finger access either). this year (1999), whenever i received a subscription request for a nonswat account, i added the cc account to the swil list, and sent an e-mail to the outside account explaining this policy to the student, and giving them contact information (postmaster@cc) for having their cc mail forwarded.

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21