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technical details

all of the information which appears on the swil web page is located in the directory /usr/web/org/swil on sccs. thus, all swil webmasters need to have sccs accounts, which they can get by logging on to sccs as newuser (no password) and filling out the form.

all webmasters also need to be in the swil group on sccs. you can find out who's currently in this group by looking at the line that begins with ``swil'' in the file /etc/group. this group should contain all webmasters and all presidents. to get the file updated, send e-mail to staff@sccs.

also, there is a majordomo list called to which all webmasters should subscribe. see section 4.6 for how to subscribe to a majordomo list at

all files in the swil web directory can be owned by any webmaster or authorized person, but should have group swil and group write permission. this is very important: if you create a new file or edit an old file and don't give it group write permission, no one else can edit it without contacting you or getting the sysadmins to intervene, so always list the contents of the directory after you edit stuff and make sure everything is okay.

change file filename's ownership to the swil group by typing chgrp swil filename, and then give it group write permission by typing chmod 664 filename.

if you're going to edit a file, it's a good idea to copy it into another directory (that is, somewhere in your home directory) and edit it there, just in case something horrible happens. (you can also make a backup file and then edit it in place, as long as you delete the backup when you're done so the directory doesn't get cluttered.)

our webpage is mirrored to the site the mirroring works by following links, starting from the main page, so anything that is not reachable by links from the main page will not be mirrored. in some cases, this may be the desired behaviour, if we have a page which is intended for use by current swil nonmembers, but not for advertising to frosh. (a current example of this is the swil purity test, created in fall 1999.)

at any rate, webmasters should look at every once in awhile and make sure it hasn't broken and is still updating properly. mirroring currently takes place once a week, on sunday nights, so updates won't be propagated instantly. if it turns out that this is not frequent enough, get in touch with josh smith '92, who maintains (more about that in section 4.6.)

also, just so you know, our web page is linked from sccs's main organizations page, which has us listed under ``activities'' or some such thing.

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21