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web page content

the web page contains a number of pages, which have timely content. primary among these is the list of current position-holders and web pages of swilfolk (present and past). these should be updated by the webmaster on a regular basis, since it's a good way for people to get in touch with current holders of positions.

there are also several archival lists, such as the list of all previous swil presidents and their titles, and the archive of past swilnewsi. the list of presidents should be updated once a year, and the swilnews archive at least once a semester (just put the swilnewses in the correct directory and add names of new directories to the main index of the SWILNews/ directory -- there's no formatting besides that.)

besides that, you're on your own. the current layout was designed by melissa binde '98. note that the main sections on the front page form ``swil'' as an acrostic -- tom (stepleton '02) and i almost added another section at one point before we noticed this.

don't throw anything out. outdated photos and stuff can be put in the past activities folder, which i think exists. solicit photos and pages from swilfolk, the george curator, and anyone else. add lots of new stuff. keep it current. basically, have fun.

By: chaos golubitsky '00 -- Last revised: 18 January 2000

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21