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conventions used in this file

you may be wondering about the by: person tags at the end of each subsection, especially since person is almost always me. basically, i did those partly because i'm egotistical, but also partly because i wanted to make it easier for people to edit the manual and get credit for doing so.

so if you edit some subsection, add your name to the list in the \auth command at the end of that section, and if someone else gives you input on the stuff to go in some section, add their name too, whether you're quoting directly from them, rephrasing information they gave you, or having them watch you type and comment about your spelling.

i divided the manual into several input files, with one wrapper file called howto.tex, and one other file for each subsection. the exception to this is the pterodactyl hunt subsection, which was simply too large to fit in one file reasonably, so i made a hunt subdirectory containing a file for each subsubsection.

i labelled each subsection (or subsubsection in the case of the pterodactyl hunt) with a label which is the same as the name of the file containing that subsection. this should make referencing somewhat easy.

i used typewriter font (\tt) for all e-mail and web addresses, and typewriter font or the verbatim environment for all LATEX commands in this section.

another note: the lists of officers in section 4.1 (especially the long lists of past officers) sometimes do not line up properly on the page, so if you add names to these lists, you are likely to get an ``overfull hbox'' error when you recompile the file. the error should include the text of the offending line, so you should be able to look at the dvi file and figure out where the problem is. force a line break by inserting a \newline command right before the text that needs to be wrapped.

By: chaos golubitsky '00, Amy' Marinello '02 -- Last revised: 21 February 2002

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Amy Marinello 2002-02-21