SWIL filks
Note: Halloween Carols are not included in the following list.
- A Grazing Mace
- A Mathematician's Progress
- A Merkin, The Beautiful
- A Modern Folksong
- A RA (prounounced ra)
- A Slanderous Song
- Acid Rain
- All of the Filkers are Singing
- Arilinn Tower
- Baby You Can Drive My Car
- Ballad of Darth Vader
- Ballad of Jean Grey
- Banned from Argo
- Banned from Orgo
- Barbarian's Love
- Barcodes
- Battle Hymn of the Helpers
- Battle of the Neutral Zone
- Big Red Cheese
- Biologist's Lament
- Bloody Bawdy Villain
- Bog Where You Lurk
- Boot It
- Bouncing Potatoes
- Bradbury Hate Song
- Brush Up Your Heinlein
- Callahan's Bar
- Camp Grenada meets Star Wars
- Caves of Steel
- Centauri Fair
- Chemist's Lament
- Christ, you know it ain't easy
- Clone of My Own
- Come to the SF Con
- Comic-Book Reader's Complaint
- Coming of the Borg
- Cthulhu's Garden
- Cthulu
- Cyberiad
- Dead Fuzzies
- Destruction
- Doctor's Pockets
- Don't Ever Trust A Psi
- Drunken Wookiee
- Electromagnetic Hymn of the Republic
- Elric's Song (or, Me and My Sword) (or, A Boy and His Blade)
- Elric's Song
- Engineer's Lament
- Epical History of the War of the Rings
- Every Seven Years
- Fandomly Street
- Fanserwacky
- Fantasy Tonight
- Fantasy and Sci-Fi
- Fen Want Filks After Midnight
- Fifty Ways to Hose Your Code
- Fishheads
- Food-Servers' Lament
- The Freshman Roomdraw Lament
- Future History
- Gilligan's Enterprise
- Gloria Vanderbuilt Rag
- Glory, Glory Science Fiction
- God DAMN the Smurfs!
- Grand Canal
- Green Hills of Earth
- Hack!
- Halloween Filks
- Hammons
- Harperhall's Game
- Heard It Through My Comm Line
- Home on LaGrange
- Hooray For Frodo Baggins
- I Am a Rat
- I Fought the Borg
- I Had no Laran At All
- I Know the Plot
- I Love Q
- I am a Troll
- I'm Still Standing
- I'm a Viking
- If I Only Had a Brain
- If I Were a Rich Fan
- It's Easy ...
- It's a Small Room After All
- Jerseywocky
- King George V/God Save the Queen
- Klingons Don't Cry
- Lab's Been Good to Me So Far
- Lair of Great Cthulhu
- Lament to the CEP
- Lensman Academy Fight Song
- Let's Find a Bed
- Little Earthquakes
- Little Fuzzy Animals
- Little Fuzzy Seminars
- Lobster Quadrille
- Lost My Powers (And I'll Cry If I Want To)
- Lucasfilm Pie
- Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Hackers
- Man of La Muncha
- Maxwell's Silver Hammer
- Middle-Earth
- Modern Sadomasochist
- Moreta
- Multi-Variable Land
- Murphy's Law
- Mutates, Mutates, Mutates
- My Favorite Things
- My God, How the Money Rolls In!
- My Kingdom Lies Under the Ocean
- NRA, uber alles
- Never Enough
- Never Set the Cat on Fire
- No Moggy's Land
- No Particular Tune At All
- No Yes Song
- Ode to the Overworked
- Ode to the PR1ME
- Oh, Cthulu Dear
- Okay, Do What?
- Onward, Sauron's Soldiers
- Organic Chemistry
- Our Space Opera Goes Rolling Along
- Outer Space Marines
- Packing Up To Go Away
- Path to a Lobotomy
- Physicist's Lament
- Pop Goes An Eardrum!
- Pore SeF is Dead
- Prehistoric Clementine
- Puff the Fractal Dragon
- Raise Your Mug to Gwynedd
- Rampaging Alien
- Ravenous Mac
- Real Old Time Religion
- Rebel Pilot's Lament
- Remembrance of Daleks Past
- Revenge of 16H
- Riker of the Enterprise
- Ringworld
- Riverworld
- Rocky Horror Mutant Show
- Roe, Roe, Roe Your Vote
- SUN Lab
- SWIL Crazy After All These Years
- SWILshirt
- Sands of Arrakis
- Schlock Treatment: The Return of Jean Grey
- Science Majors
- Security
- Self-Respecting Classicist
- Sing-Sing a Jail
- Smaug, the Magic Dragon
- Somewhere Over the Barstool
- Song of the Derriere Garde
- Spock Goes to Camp
- Star Fleet Life
- Starfleet Man
- Starfleet Song
- Still the Same
- Stranger in a Strange Land
- Supersheep Overture
- Superspecial Fellowship
- Swarthmore Experience
- The Swarthmorian Lament
- Swat Warp
- Swing on a Star
- System is Going to Crash!!!
- TNG Filksong
- Take me Home, Starry Roads
- Temperance Union Song (Rum, by Gum)
- Thank Ghu I'm a Fannish Boy!
- That's Science Fiction
- There's an Amoeba
- Thermodynamics Final
- Thirty Days of Amber
- Thunder
- Time Winds Tavern
- Topology Tonight
- True Confession of Luke Skywalker
- Typhoid Mary
- Unprepared
- Unreality Warp (Annotated)
- Unreality Warp
- Vulcan Academy of Science School Cheer
- "V Word" Song
- Waking Up Is Hard to Do
- War of the Worlds
- Wargame Huxter's Song
- What can the Matter be?
- When Harlie Played One
- When I was a Young Man
- With a Little Help from My Freinds
- With the Necronomicon
- Would you care to take a break?
- Y.O.D.A.
- Yellow Ross of Texas
- You're Going to Give Me an A, Ha-ha!
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